A review of Scriniodinium Klement 1957, Endoscrinium (Klement 1960) Vozzhennikova 1967 and related dinoflagellate cyst taxa.
Name Original Description
Deflandre, G. (1939a)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1960b)
Wetzel, W. (1966)
Sarjeant, W.A.S. (1962a)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1958)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1958)
Jain, K.P., Garg, R., Kumar, S. and Singh, I.B. (1984)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1960b)
Pocock, S.A.J. (1972)
Pocock, S.A.J. (1972)
Gocht, H. (1959)
Below, R. (1981a)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1960b)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1960b)
Gitmez, G.U. (1970)
Gitmez, G.U. (1970)
Gitmez, G.U. (1970)
Morgenroth, P. (1968)
Manum, S. and Cookson, I.C. (1964)
Sarjeant, W.A.S. (1962a)
Stevens, J. (1987)
Zheng Yahui and He Chengquan (1984)
Deflandre, G. (1943)
Conrad, W. (1941)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1960b)
Gitmez, G.U. (1970)
Gitmez, G.U. (1970)
Gocht, H. (1959)
Below, R. (1981a)
Klement, K.W. (1960)
Pocock, S.A.J. (1972)
Stevens, J. (1987)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1958)
Deflandre, G. (1938)
Prössl, K.F. (1990)
Prauss, M. (1989)
Poulsen, N.E. (1996)
Poulsen, N.E. (1996)
Prauss, M. (1989)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1958)
Duxbury, S. (2001)
Prössl, K.F. (1990)
Jain, K.P., Garg, R., Kumar, S. and Singh, I.B. (1984)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1958)
Morgenroth, P. (1968)
Manum, S. and Cookson, I.C. (1964)
Duxbury, S. (2001)
Conrad, W. (1941)
Pocock, S.A.J. (1972)
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