From Fensome et al., 2019:
Scriniocassis, Gocht, 1964, p.121.
Emendations: Prauss, 1989, p.29; Below, 1990, p.30.
Taxonomic junior synonym: Eyachia, according to Prauss (1989, p.29) and Below (1990, p.30).
Type: Gocht, 1964, pl.17, figs.2a–c, as Scriniocassis weberi.
Original description: [Gocht, 1964]: (Translation: Stover and Evitt, 1978, p. 186):
Body somewhat ovoidal, flattened. Epitheca and hypotheca approximately equally large. An irregular meshwork of superficial ledges of varying height connects inner body and outer membrane. Often indication of the transverse furrow (sometimes also of the longitudinal furrow) through indentation of the outer armor or through arrangement of the ledge pattern. Pylome trapezoidal dorsal.
Modified description:
Stover and Evitt 1978, p.186-187:
Cysts proximate, holocavate, subspherical to ellipsoidal; space between autophragm and ectophragm occupied by an imperfect reticulation; height of muri varies; archeopyle precingular, exact type uncertain; apparently specimens with Type P, 2P, or possibly 3P included in the genus.
Shape: Subspherical to ellipsoidal.
Wall relationships: Cysts holocavate, space between wall layers occupied by irregular reticulum.
Wall features: No parasutural features. Reticulation imperfect; lumina polygonal, of various sizes and shapes; muri vary in height. Autophragm, muri and ectophragm smooth or faintly ornamented.
Paratabulation: Indicated by archeopyle only, occasionally also by paracingulum.
Archeopyle: Precingular, exact type or types uncertain. Holotype with Type P archeopyle; other specimens with type 2P or possibly 3P archeopyle. Operculum free.
Paracingulum: Poorly indicated by vague transverse alignment of muri or increased height of muri in equatorial area.
Parasulcus: Generally not indicated.
Size: Intermediate.
Scriniocassis differs from Pyxidinopsis in that its ectophragm covers the reticulum, and in having an archeopyle that is variously Type P, 2P, or 3P, whereas that of Pyxidinopsis is invariably Type P. It differs from Valensiella in having a precingular rather than an apical archeopyle. It may be difficult to distinguish specimens of Scriniocassis having a Type P archeopyle from those of Samlandia.
Emended description:
Below, 1990: (Translation: LPP):
Vesicle/plate arrangement of dinoflagellate amphiesma cop, pop, cap, 4`, 0a, 5``, 7c, 6```, 2````, aas, FM subdivided in several periflagellar areas, ls, rs, ps; pentagonal 1```` and hexagonal 2```` partiform, omegaform ps very large; Principal growth of thecal plates at overlapping plate-margin.
Zygote cyst proximate, cavate, acavate, spheroidal, ovoidal, ovaloidal, polyhedrical, also with small apical horn; Wall consisting of thin pedium and fibrous luxuria, which melts distally into the tegillum, surface smooth or ornamented, nonareate or areate, areae marked by finate ornaments or limbi; areation formula NR PR/cop, pop, cap, NR`/4`, oa, NR``/5``, NRc/Xc/7c, NR```/6```, NR````/2````, NRs/Xs/as, FM subdivided in several small areae, ls, rs, ps; 2 antapicals partiform, large omegaform ps, epicyst rotated counter-clockwise relative to hypocyst; archaeopyle apical/precingular, 3`+2``+3``; operculum solvate, opercular plates secate, general opecular formula 3`(s)+2``(s)+3``(s).
G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.
Scriniocassis Gocht, 1964, emend. Prauss, 1989, emend. Below, 1990. As emended by Below (1990, p.30), arrangement of vesicles/plates on the dinoflagellate amphiesma; cop, pop, cap, 4`, 0a, 5", 7c, 6"' , 2"" , as, FM subdivided into several periflagellar areae ls, rs, ps: pentagonal 1"" and hexagonal 2"" partiform, omegaform ps very large, tegulation 3*, 0**, 5***, 2****, 7c, 4x, 4xx, 3xxx, growth of thecal plates mainly on the overlapping margin. Zygotic cyst habit proximate, cavate, acavate, spheroidal, ovoidal, ovaloidal, polyhedral, and with a small apical horn; wall composed of thin pedium and fibrose luxuria fused distally into a tegillum; surface smooth or ornamented, nonareate or areate, areae marked by finite ornament or limbi. .... Epicyst rotated counterclockwise in relation to the hypocyst: archeopyle apical/precingular 3` + 2" + 3"; operculum solvate, opercular pieces secate, general opercular formula 3`s = 2"s + 3"s.
Scriniocassis, Gocht, 1964, p.121.
Emendations: Prauss, 1989, p.29; Below, 1990, p.30.
Taxonomic junior synonym: Eyachia, according to Prauss (1989, p.29) and Below (1990, p.30).
Type: Gocht, 1964, pl.17, figs.2a–c, as Scriniocassis weberi.
Original description: [Gocht, 1964]: (Translation: Stover and Evitt, 1978, p. 186):
Body somewhat ovoidal, flattened. Epitheca and hypotheca approximately equally large. An irregular meshwork of superficial ledges of varying height connects inner body and outer membrane. Often indication of the transverse furrow (sometimes also of the longitudinal furrow) through indentation of the outer armor or through arrangement of the ledge pattern. Pylome trapezoidal dorsal.
Modified description:
Stover and Evitt 1978, p.186-187:
Cysts proximate, holocavate, subspherical to ellipsoidal; space between autophragm and ectophragm occupied by an imperfect reticulation; height of muri varies; archeopyle precingular, exact type uncertain; apparently specimens with Type P, 2P, or possibly 3P included in the genus.
Shape: Subspherical to ellipsoidal.
Wall relationships: Cysts holocavate, space between wall layers occupied by irregular reticulum.
Wall features: No parasutural features. Reticulation imperfect; lumina polygonal, of various sizes and shapes; muri vary in height. Autophragm, muri and ectophragm smooth or faintly ornamented.
Paratabulation: Indicated by archeopyle only, occasionally also by paracingulum.
Archeopyle: Precingular, exact type or types uncertain. Holotype with Type P archeopyle; other specimens with type 2P or possibly 3P archeopyle. Operculum free.
Paracingulum: Poorly indicated by vague transverse alignment of muri or increased height of muri in equatorial area.
Parasulcus: Generally not indicated.
Size: Intermediate.
Scriniocassis differs from Pyxidinopsis in that its ectophragm covers the reticulum, and in having an archeopyle that is variously Type P, 2P, or 3P, whereas that of Pyxidinopsis is invariably Type P. It differs from Valensiella in having a precingular rather than an apical archeopyle. It may be difficult to distinguish specimens of Scriniocassis having a Type P archeopyle from those of Samlandia.
Emended description:
Below, 1990: (Translation: LPP):
Vesicle/plate arrangement of dinoflagellate amphiesma cop, pop, cap, 4`, 0a, 5``, 7c, 6```, 2````, aas, FM subdivided in several periflagellar areas, ls, rs, ps; pentagonal 1```` and hexagonal 2```` partiform, omegaform ps very large; Principal growth of thecal plates at overlapping plate-margin.
Zygote cyst proximate, cavate, acavate, spheroidal, ovoidal, ovaloidal, polyhedrical, also with small apical horn; Wall consisting of thin pedium and fibrous luxuria, which melts distally into the tegillum, surface smooth or ornamented, nonareate or areate, areae marked by finate ornaments or limbi; areation formula NR PR/cop, pop, cap, NR`/4`, oa, NR``/5``, NRc/Xc/7c, NR```/6```, NR````/2````, NRs/Xs/as, FM subdivided in several small areae, ls, rs, ps; 2 antapicals partiform, large omegaform ps, epicyst rotated counter-clockwise relative to hypocyst; archaeopyle apical/precingular, 3`+2``+3``; operculum solvate, opercular plates secate, general opecular formula 3`(s)+2``(s)+3``(s).
G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.
Scriniocassis Gocht, 1964, emend. Prauss, 1989, emend. Below, 1990. As emended by Below (1990, p.30), arrangement of vesicles/plates on the dinoflagellate amphiesma; cop, pop, cap, 4`, 0a, 5", 7c, 6"' , 2"" , as, FM subdivided into several periflagellar areae ls, rs, ps: pentagonal 1"" and hexagonal 2"" partiform, omegaform ps very large, tegulation 3*, 0**, 5***, 2****, 7c, 4x, 4xx, 3xxx, growth of thecal plates mainly on the overlapping margin. Zygotic cyst habit proximate, cavate, acavate, spheroidal, ovoidal, ovaloidal, polyhedral, and with a small apical horn; wall composed of thin pedium and fibrose luxuria fused distally into a tegillum; surface smooth or ornamented, nonareate or areate, areae marked by finite ornament or limbi. .... Epicyst rotated counterclockwise in relation to the hypocyst: archeopyle apical/precingular 3` + 2" + 3"; operculum solvate, opercular pieces secate, general opercular formula 3`s = 2"s + 3"s.