From Fensome et al., 2019:
Paraevansia, Below, 1990, p.57–58.
Type: Fensome, 1979, pl.4, fig.5; text-fig.11E, as Pareodinia brachythelis.
Original description: [Below, 1990]: (Translation: LPP):
vesicle organization / tabulation of dinoflagellate amphiesma cop, pop, cap, 3`, 3a, 6``, 7c, 6```, 2````, as, ls, rs, ps. 1` very small, no contact to PR and 2` (exsert). Growth of thecal plates ?gonyaulacoid.
Zygote cyst proximate, proximochorate, acavate, cornucavate, spheroidal, ovaloidal, ovoidal, polyhedrical, tear-shaped, apical protruberance often very distinct. Wall consisting of pedium and prismatic luxuria. Surface smooth, ornamented, with or without kalyptra. Paratabulation may be absent or partially or entirely indicated. Paratabulation NR PR/cop, pop, cap, NR`/3`, 1a[arch]/1a, 2a[arch]/2a, 3a[arch]/3a, NR``/6``, NRc/Xc/7c, NR```/6```, NR````/2````, NRs/Xs/as, ls, rs, ps; archaeopyle anterior intercalary, 1a+2a+3a; operculum solvate, opercular plates secate, general opercular formula 1a[s]+2a[s]+3a[s].
The position of the apical paraplates with 1` exsert in Paraevansia is similar in Carpathodinium, Gresslyodinium and Paragonyaulacysta. Paraevansia however possesses 3 intercalaries, whereas Gresslyodinium and Paragonyaulacysta have 2, and Carpathodinium has 4 intercalaries. Paraevansia differs from Evansia in the position of 1`, which is insert in Evansia.
Paraevansia, Below, 1990, p.57–58.
Type: Fensome, 1979, pl.4, fig.5; text-fig.11E, as Pareodinia brachythelis.
Original description: [Below, 1990]: (Translation: LPP):
vesicle organization / tabulation of dinoflagellate amphiesma cop, pop, cap, 3`, 3a, 6``, 7c, 6```, 2````, as, ls, rs, ps. 1` very small, no contact to PR and 2` (exsert). Growth of thecal plates ?gonyaulacoid.
Zygote cyst proximate, proximochorate, acavate, cornucavate, spheroidal, ovaloidal, ovoidal, polyhedrical, tear-shaped, apical protruberance often very distinct. Wall consisting of pedium and prismatic luxuria. Surface smooth, ornamented, with or without kalyptra. Paratabulation may be absent or partially or entirely indicated. Paratabulation NR PR/cop, pop, cap, NR`/3`, 1a[arch]/1a, 2a[arch]/2a, 3a[arch]/3a, NR``/6``, NRc/Xc/7c, NR```/6```, NR````/2````, NRs/Xs/as, ls, rs, ps; archaeopyle anterior intercalary, 1a+2a+3a; operculum solvate, opercular plates secate, general opercular formula 1a[s]+2a[s]+3a[s].
The position of the apical paraplates with 1` exsert in Paraevansia is similar in Carpathodinium, Gresslyodinium and Paragonyaulacysta. Paraevansia however possesses 3 intercalaries, whereas Gresslyodinium and Paragonyaulacysta have 2, and Carpathodinium has 4 intercalaries. Paraevansia differs from Evansia in the position of 1`, which is insert in Evansia.