
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Australiella, Vozzhennikova, 1967, p.129–130.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Chatangiella, according to Lentin and Williams (1976, p.151–152).
Type: Cookson and Eisenack, 1960a, pl.1, fig.10, as Deflandrea tripartita.


Original description: [Vozzhennikova, 1967]: (Translation: Lees in Sarjeant, 1971, p.201-202)

Theca elongate oval with a large oval internal body occupying the major part of the theca; lateral walls of internal body closely applied to the thin lateral walls of the theca which may be markedly or only slightly convex. Transverse furrow slightly spiral, equatorial and bordered by continuous, or interrupted, short series of outgrouwth which are often only discernible on the lateral walls of the theca. The longitudinal furrow is situated on the hypotheca and extends to the antapex. The apical and antapical horns are small and the two latter may be equal or unequal in length; more rarely they are absent. The pylome is horseshoe shaped or rounded hexagonal.

In the position and size of its internal body and the outline of its theca, this genus is very similar to Chatangiella from which it differs in the oval-hexagonal shape of the pylome, the unequal development of the antapical horns and the markedly convex sides of the theca.
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