From Fensome et al., 2019:
"Bejuia", Stover and Williams, 1987, p.37.
Substitute name for Burtonia Beju, 1983, p.106 (an illegitimate name).
Taxonomic senior synonym: Atopodinium, according to Masure (1991, p.64) and Masure in Fauconnier and Masure (2004, p.88).
Type: Beju, 1983, text-figs.3A–B,4A–B, as Burtonia polygonalis.
Original description as Burtonia: Beju, 1983:
Proximate dinocysts with subpolygonal outline. Apex flattened to weakly protuberant, displaced on the ventral side; antapex consisting of a prominent protuberance. Cyst single-walled (autophragm). Paratabulation incompletely indicated by low parasutural ridges, well expressed on the hypocyst, where it consists of six postcingular paraplates; an additional paraplate ("shield") is transversely arranged on the ventral antapical margin of the hypocyst. Epicystal paratabulation indeterminable under the light microscope. Paracingulum discernible, especially on the ventral side, helicoidal, displaced in apical direction on the dorsal side. Epicyst considerably smaller than the hypocyst, ventrally displaced. Archeopyle of uncertain type.
Atopodinium Drugg, 1978 differs from Burtonia by having an apical archeopyle, several `sack-like` lobes at the antapex, and a different paratabulation.
Emended description as Bejuia:
Stover and Williams, 1987:
Cysts proximate, dorso-ventrally compressed; autocyst somewhat quadrate with a subquadrate antapical protuberance, outline commonly modified by folding; epicyst slightly domed, with an apical protuberance, smaller than the hypocyst; paratabulation known for hypocyst only, indicated by low parasutural ridges except for the parasulcus, whose lateral margins are delineated by high membranes and whose posterior margin is part of the ventral antapical ledge; archeopyle epicystal.
Shape: Cysts compressed dorso-ventrally; outline, although commonly modified by folding, more or less quadrate with a subquadrate antapical protuberance that is displaced towards the dorsal side; epicyst slightly domed, smaller than hypocyst and with a small apical protuberance.
Wall relationships: Autophragm only.
Wall features: The ventral platform and the antapical protuberance are granular; otherwise the autophragm is smooth, with low, often discontinuous parasutural ridges on the hypocyst.
Archeopyle: Epicystal, archeopyle suture immediately anterior to the paracingulum. The operculum may remain attached ventrally.
Paratabulation: Indicated by paracingulum, by parasulcus and by continuous or interrupted low parasutural ridges delineating at least five postcingular paraplates; ventral antapical ledge and protuberance appear to be formed from the antapical paraplate.
Paracingulum: Indicated by subparallel, parasutural ridges, ends offset ventrally.
Parasulcus: Slightly depressed, narrowing antapically; lateral margins delineated by membranes which increase in height posteriorly, antapical
margin formed by the ventral antapical ledge.
Size: Intermediate, about 65 µm to 95 µm in length.
"Bejuia", Stover and Williams, 1987, p.37.
Substitute name for Burtonia Beju, 1983, p.106 (an illegitimate name).
Taxonomic senior synonym: Atopodinium, according to Masure (1991, p.64) and Masure in Fauconnier and Masure (2004, p.88).
Type: Beju, 1983, text-figs.3A–B,4A–B, as Burtonia polygonalis.
Original description as Burtonia: Beju, 1983:
Proximate dinocysts with subpolygonal outline. Apex flattened to weakly protuberant, displaced on the ventral side; antapex consisting of a prominent protuberance. Cyst single-walled (autophragm). Paratabulation incompletely indicated by low parasutural ridges, well expressed on the hypocyst, where it consists of six postcingular paraplates; an additional paraplate ("shield") is transversely arranged on the ventral antapical margin of the hypocyst. Epicystal paratabulation indeterminable under the light microscope. Paracingulum discernible, especially on the ventral side, helicoidal, displaced in apical direction on the dorsal side. Epicyst considerably smaller than the hypocyst, ventrally displaced. Archeopyle of uncertain type.
Atopodinium Drugg, 1978 differs from Burtonia by having an apical archeopyle, several `sack-like` lobes at the antapex, and a different paratabulation.
Emended description as Bejuia:
Stover and Williams, 1987:
Cysts proximate, dorso-ventrally compressed; autocyst somewhat quadrate with a subquadrate antapical protuberance, outline commonly modified by folding; epicyst slightly domed, with an apical protuberance, smaller than the hypocyst; paratabulation known for hypocyst only, indicated by low parasutural ridges except for the parasulcus, whose lateral margins are delineated by high membranes and whose posterior margin is part of the ventral antapical ledge; archeopyle epicystal.
Shape: Cysts compressed dorso-ventrally; outline, although commonly modified by folding, more or less quadrate with a subquadrate antapical protuberance that is displaced towards the dorsal side; epicyst slightly domed, smaller than hypocyst and with a small apical protuberance.
Wall relationships: Autophragm only.
Wall features: The ventral platform and the antapical protuberance are granular; otherwise the autophragm is smooth, with low, often discontinuous parasutural ridges on the hypocyst.
Archeopyle: Epicystal, archeopyle suture immediately anterior to the paracingulum. The operculum may remain attached ventrally.
Paratabulation: Indicated by paracingulum, by parasulcus and by continuous or interrupted low parasutural ridges delineating at least five postcingular paraplates; ventral antapical ledge and protuberance appear to be formed from the antapical paraplate.
Paracingulum: Indicated by subparallel, parasutural ridges, ends offset ventrally.
Parasulcus: Slightly depressed, narrowing antapically; lateral margins delineated by membranes which increase in height posteriorly, antapical
margin formed by the ventral antapical ledge.
Size: Intermediate, about 65 µm to 95 µm in length.