From Fensome et al., 2019:
Cornudinium, Pocock, 1972, p.93.
Type: Pocock, 1972, pl.24, fig.15, as Cornudinium stavelyense.
Original description: [Pocock, 1972]:
Vesicle biconical, horn-shaped, the cones being joined mouth to mouth. Epitheca elongate, more or less smooth, or with much reduced ornamentation. Hypotheca relatively short, thickened and strongly ornamented. Transverse furrow prominent, probably uninterrupted. Longitudinal furrow obscure. No tabulation, archeopyle or operculum visible.
The strongly biconical shape, lack of plating and strongly ornamented hypotheca are characteristic. Genera such as Tenua and Pareodinia also lack plating but are rounded in outline and lack differentiation between hypotheca and epitheca.
Cornudinium, Pocock, 1972, p.93.
Type: Pocock, 1972, pl.24, fig.15, as Cornudinium stavelyense.
Original description: [Pocock, 1972]:
Vesicle biconical, horn-shaped, the cones being joined mouth to mouth. Epitheca elongate, more or less smooth, or with much reduced ornamentation. Hypotheca relatively short, thickened and strongly ornamented. Transverse furrow prominent, probably uninterrupted. Longitudinal furrow obscure. No tabulation, archeopyle or operculum visible.
The strongly biconical shape, lack of plating and strongly ornamented hypotheca are characteristic. Genera such as Tenua and Pareodinia also lack plating but are rounded in outline and lack differentiation between hypotheca and epitheca.