Data plotted here is from DINOSTRAT, available via Zenodo: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7791273. Please cite Bijl, 2022 when using this data.
Plots are based on the following information
Plots are based on the following information
Location | Genus | Species | Subspecies | Source | Calibration | FO/LO | Age | pal/lat |
North Sea Compilation | Fromea | amphora | Costa and Davey, 1992 | 1 in amm_b_Neocardioceras juddii | LO | 93.9 | 45.488320200000004 | |
361 | Fromea | amphora | Davey, 1978 | 0.9 in nan_c_NC6b | LO | 119.51249389784682 | -42.20534821596511 | |
361 | Fromea | amphora | Davey, 1978 | 0.4 in nan_c_NC6b | FO | 120.06821338708092 | -42.21517415937369 | |
400A | Fromea | amphora | Davey, 1979 | 0.67 in nan_u_BC22 | LO | 113.63962561280603 | 38.618744108337204 | |
400A | Fromea | amphora | Davey, 1979 | 0.9 in nan_u_BC21 | FO | 115.01060237292519 | 38.254657284372016 | |
Haldager 1 | Fromea | amphora | Davey, 1982 | 1 in amm_b_Surites icenii | FO | 138.25 | 43.82946305555555 | |
Pueblo | Fromea | amphora | Dodsworth, 2000 | 0.4 in amm_b_Mammites nodosoides | LO | 93.17 | 45.6836979 | |
Calvados | Fromea | tornatilis | Feist-Burkhardt and Monteil, 1997 | 0 in amm_b_Zigzagiceras zigzag | FO | 168.17 | 35.9906571 | |
Hausen | Fromea | tornatilis | Feist-Burkhardt, 1990 | 0.9 in amm_b_Graphoceras concavum | FO | 170.96 | 37.793979 | |
Hausen | Fromea | tornatilis | Feist-Burkhardt, 1990 | 0.5 in amm_b_Witchellia laeviuscula | LO | 170.495 | 37.769642062500004 | |
Viborg-1 | Fromea | laevigata | Heilmann-Clausen, 1985 | 1 in nan_n_NP8 | LO | 57.2231 | 47.10956169575 | |
Central Danish Trough | Fromea | quadrugata | Heilmann-Clausen, 1987 | 0.8 in amm_b_Paracrioceras denckmanni | FO | 122.568 | 45.02807939636364 | |
Central Danish Trough | Fromea | quadrugata | Heilmann-Clausen, 1987 | 1 in amm_b_Parancyloceras bidentatum / Parancyloceras scalare | LO | 121.15 | 45.41299936363636 | |
765 | Fromea | amphora | Helby and McMinn, 1992 | 1 in mag_M1n | FO | 121.4 | -51.49462927272727 | |
765 | Fromea | monilifera | Helby and McMinn, 1992 | 1 in mag_M1n | LO | 121.4 | -51.49462927272727 | |
765 | Fromea | monilifera | Helby and McMinn, 1992 | 0.75 in mag_M1n | FO | 121.99563333333333 | -51.571180610212124 | |
Australia Synthesis | Fromea | cylindrica | Helby et al., 1987 | 1 in stage_Berriassian | LO | 137.7 | -65.10280277777778 | |
Australia Synthesis | Fromea | chytra | Helby et al., 1987 | 0.05 in stage_Danian | LO | 65.82100000000001 | -47.04754724647059 | |
Australia Synthesis | Fromea | chytra | Helby et al., 1987 | 0.1 in stage_Santonian | FO | 85.495 | -52.83214864285715 | |
Australia Synthesis | Fromea | cylindrica | Helby et al., 1987 | 0 in stage_Tithonian | FO | 149.24 | -60.88986933333333 | |
Omsk No. 8 | Fromea | amphora | Lebedeva et al., 2013 | 0.15 in mag_C33r | FO | 83.0875 | 52.554612937499996 | |
Omsk No. 8 | Fromea | chytra | Lebedeva et al., 2013 | 1 in mag_C34n | FO | 83.65 | 52.49802825 | |
Omsk No. 8 | Fromea | laevigata | Lebedeva et al., 2013 | 1 in mag_C34n | FO | 83.65 | 52.49802825 | |
Omsk No. 8 | Fromea | amphora | Lebedeva et al., 2013 | 0.5 in nan_n_CC25a | LO | 69.66100000000002 | 51.49060635428572 | |
Omsk No. 8 | Fromea | laevigata | Lebedeva et al., 2013 | 0.5 in nan_n_CC25a | LO | 69.66100000000002 | 51.49060635428572 | |
748 | Fromea | chytra | Mao and Mohr, 1992 | 0.1 in nan_n_CC24 | LO | 72.03660000000002 | -60.47936155683333 | |
748 | Fromea | chytra | Mohr and Mao, 1997 | 0 in stage_Campanian | FO | 83.65 | -59.95668457142857 | |
Czestochowa | Fromea | tornatilis | Poulsen, 1998 | 0.75 in amm_t_Parkinsonia parkinsoni | FO | 168.3075 | 42.17637343333333 | |
Czestochowa | Fromea | tornatilis | Poulsen, 1998 | 1 in amm_t_Zigzagiceras zigzag | LO | 167.57 | 42.086290266666666 | |
Isle of Skye | Fromea | tornatilis | Riding and Thomas, 1997 | 0 in amm_b_Perisphinctes pumilus | FO | 158.35 | 43.81709372222222 | |
Isle of Skye | Fromea | tornatilis | Riding and Thomas, 1997 | 0.6 in amm_b_Perisphinctes pumilus | LO | 158.116 | 43.84450266222222 | |
North Sea Coast | Fromea | tornatilis | Riley and Fenton, 1982 | 1 in amm_b_Cardioceras cordatum | LO | 159.1 | 36.7461225 | |
Silesian Basin | Fromea | quadrugata | Skupien and Vašíček, 2002 | 1 in amm_t_Leymeriella germanica | LO | 111.27 | 39.849000000000004 | |
Silesian Basin | Fromea | quadrugata | Skupien and Vašíček, 2002 | 0 in amm_t_Nicklesia pulchella | FO | 125.28 | 36.510400000000004 | |
Milne Land | Fromea | tornatilis | Smelror, 1988a | 0.5 in amm_b_Peltoceras athleta | LO | 162.68 | 50.7369182 | |
Milne Land | Fromea | tornatilis | Smelror, 1988a | 0.75 in amm_b_Sigaloceras calloviense | FO | 163.57 | 50.6651252375 | |
Kong Karls Land | Fromea | tornatilis | Smelror, 1988b | 0.25 between 0 amm_b_Quenstedtoceras lamberti 1 amm_b_Quenstedtoceras mariae | LO | 161.7525 | 66.92835495535715 | |
Kong Karls Land | Fromea | tornatilis | Smelror, 1988b | 0.1 between 0 amm_b_Macrocephalites herveyi 1 amm_b_Peltoceras athleta | FO | 165.006 | 66.52463046428572 |