From Fensome et al., 2019:
"Parvocavatus", Gitmez, 1970, p.306.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Dingodinium, according to Fisher and Riley (1976, p.52). Type: Gitmez, 1970, pl.6, fig.9; text-fig.31, as Parvocavatus tuberosus.
Original description: [Gitmez, 1970]:
Cavate dinoflagellate cysts, subspherical, ovate to elongate, with the tabulation 4`, 6", 6c, 6```, 1````. Cingulum circular and nearly equatorial. Sulcus long and extending onto epitract and hypotract to equal length. Apical horn present and formed by the periphragm; this is hollow and has a hole at its tip. Thin periblast surrounding a spheroidal endoblast; the latter is thick walled.
Archeopyle apical, the operculum remaining attached. Surface of periphragm smooth, but surface of endophragm densely tuberculate.
Modified description:
Stover and Evitt,1978, p. 72:
Cysts cavate, subspherical with short apical horn; probably gonyaulacacean, paratabulation indicated by faint parasutural markings on periphragm; archeopyle apical, probably Type (tA).
Shape: Subspherical with a short apical horn.
Wall relationships: Endophragm close to periphragm except at apical horn.
Wall features: Parasutural features are faint linear markings on the periphragm. Endophragm thick and densely tuberculate; periphragm thin and smooth.
Paratabulation: Indicated by faint parasutural features; probably gonyaulacacean, formula: 4`, 6", 6c, 6```, 1````.
Archeopyle: Apical, probably Type (tA), described as having an incipient ventral opening; operculum seemingly remains attached.
Paracingulum: Indicated by transverse linear markings.
Parasulcus: Long, narrow, undivided area extending from the archeopyle margin to paraplate 1```` and delimited by linear markings.
Size: Intermediate.
Parvocavatus differs from Gardodinium in lacking processes between the two wall layers.
"Parvocavatus", Gitmez, 1970, p.306.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Dingodinium, according to Fisher and Riley (1976, p.52). Type: Gitmez, 1970, pl.6, fig.9; text-fig.31, as Parvocavatus tuberosus.
Original description: [Gitmez, 1970]:
Cavate dinoflagellate cysts, subspherical, ovate to elongate, with the tabulation 4`, 6", 6c, 6```, 1````. Cingulum circular and nearly equatorial. Sulcus long and extending onto epitract and hypotract to equal length. Apical horn present and formed by the periphragm; this is hollow and has a hole at its tip. Thin periblast surrounding a spheroidal endoblast; the latter is thick walled.
Archeopyle apical, the operculum remaining attached. Surface of periphragm smooth, but surface of endophragm densely tuberculate.
Modified description:
Stover and Evitt,1978, p. 72:
Cysts cavate, subspherical with short apical horn; probably gonyaulacacean, paratabulation indicated by faint parasutural markings on periphragm; archeopyle apical, probably Type (tA).
Shape: Subspherical with a short apical horn.
Wall relationships: Endophragm close to periphragm except at apical horn.
Wall features: Parasutural features are faint linear markings on the periphragm. Endophragm thick and densely tuberculate; periphragm thin and smooth.
Paratabulation: Indicated by faint parasutural features; probably gonyaulacacean, formula: 4`, 6", 6c, 6```, 1````.
Archeopyle: Apical, probably Type (tA), described as having an incipient ventral opening; operculum seemingly remains attached.
Paracingulum: Indicated by transverse linear markings.
Parasulcus: Long, narrow, undivided area extending from the archeopyle margin to paraplate 1```` and delimited by linear markings.
Size: Intermediate.
Parvocavatus differs from Gardodinium in lacking processes between the two wall layers.