Data plotted here is from DINOSTRAT, available via Zenodo: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7791273. Please cite Bijl, 2022 when using this data.
Plots are based on the following information
Plots are based on the following information
FO/LO | Location | Taxon | Source | Calibration | Age (Ma) | Paleolatitude |
FO | Quercy2 | Parvocysta tricornuta | Bucefalo Palliani and Riding, 1997b | 0.75 in amm_t_Grammoceras thouarsense | 177.8075 | 34.1023026525 |
FO | Yorkshire | Parvocysta barbosa | Bucefalo Palliani and Riding, 2003 | 0 in amm_t_Hildoceras bifrons | 181.17 | 42.055690424999995 |
FO | Yorkshire | Parvocysta bullala | Bucefalo Palliani and Riding, 2003 | 0 in amm_t_Hildoceras bifrons | 181.17 | 42.055690424999995 |
FO | Yorkshire | Parvocysta nasuta | Bucefalo Palliani and Riding, 2003 | 0 in amm_t_Hildoceras bifrons | 181.17 | 42.055690424999995 |
FO | Bavaria | Parvocysta bullala | Bucefalo Palliani and Riding, 2003 | 0 in amm_t_Hildoceras bifrons | 181.17 | 42.51576549999999 |
FO | Bavaria | Parvocysta nasuta | Bucefalo Palliani and Riding, 2003 | 0 in amm_t_Hildoceras bifrons | 181.17 | 42.51576549999999 |
FO | Denmark2 | Parvocysta barbosa | Bucefalo Palliani and Riding, 2003 | 0 in amm_t_Hildoceras bifrons | 181.17 | 48.61531075 |
FO | Denmark2 | Parvocysta bullala | Bucefalo Palliani and Riding, 2003 | 0 in amm_t_Hildoceras bifrons | 181.17 | 48.61531075 |
FO | Denmark2 | Parvocysta nasuta | Bucefalo Palliani and Riding, 2003 | 0 in amm_t_Hildoceras bifrons | 181.17 | 48.61531075 |
FO | North Sea Compilation | Parvocysta bullala | Riding and Thomas, 1992 | 0 in amm_b_Dumortieria pseudoradiosa | 177.63 | 41.67426121 |
FO | North Sea Compilation | Parvocysta nasuta | Riding and Thomas, 1992 | 0 in amm_t_Hildoceras bifrons | 181.17 | 42.88801039 |
FO | Kelimyar | Parvocysta bullala | vd Schootbrugge et al., 2019a | 0 in amm_b_Harpoceras serpentinum | 183.16 | 80.13808045714286 |
FO | Dorset-Yorkshire | Parvocysta nasuta | Woollam and Riding, 1983 | 1 in amm_t_Grammoceras thouarsense | 177.63 | 39.76876634 |
FO | North Sea Basin | Parvocysta nasuta | Copestake and Partington, 2023 | 0.33 in amm_t_Grammoceras thouarsense | 178.1057 | 44.8299455304 |
LO | Quercy2 | Parvocysta tricornuta | Bucefalo Palliani and Riding, 1997b | 1 in amm_t_Grammoceras thouarsense | 177.63 | 34.033857409999996 |
LO | Arctic Basin | Parvocysta bullala | Bujak et al., 2022 | 0.5 in amm_b_Hildoceras bifrons | 180.495 | 72.86222673500001 |
LO | North Sea Compilation | Parvocysta bullala | Riding and Thomas, 1992 | 0.5 in amm_b_Leioceras opalinum | 173.7 | 40.3267939 |
LO | North Sea Compilation | Parvocysta nasuta | Riding and Thomas, 1992 | 0.5 in amm_b_Leioceras opalinum | 173.7 | 40.3267939 |
LO | Barentz Sea | Parvocysta bullala | Smelror, 1994 | 0.5 in stage_Bajocian | 169.535 | 64.56874940357143 |
LO | Kelimyar | Parvocysta bullala | vd Schootbrugge et al., 2019a | 1 in amm_b_Harpoceras serpentinum | 181.17 | 81.2217148 |
LO | North Sea Basin | Parvocysta nasuta | Copestake and Partington, 2023 | 1 in amm_b_Leioceras opalinum | 172.7 | 43.0694604 |