From Fensome et al., 2019:
"Plethysyrinx", Sarjeant, 1981, p.106.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Disphaerogena, by implication in Stover and Williams (1987, p.179), who considered Plethysyrinx to be a taxonomic junior synonym of Cyclapophysis, which is now considered to be a taxonomic junior synonym of Disphaerogena.
Type: Corradini, 1973, pl.22, fig.5, as Cordosphaeridium lemniscatum.
Original description: [Sarjeant, 1981]:
Cyst spheroidal to broadly ellipsoidal, skolochorate to phragmochorate, trabeculate. Phragma two-layered, with processes typically or constantly formed from the periphragm only. Processes intratabular or in the form of closely interwoven penitabular clusters simulating fenestrate processes; subconical to tubiform, flared or infundibular, with variable distal development. Their walls may be fibrous and the fibres may have rootlike proximal extensions: parasutural features are, however, lacking. Adjacent processes or clusters are connected by a complete or incomplete web-like meshwork of trabeculae, but no external investing membrane is developed.
Paratabulation gonyaulacacean, with the formula 3-4`, 6", 0c, 5-6```, 0-1p, 1````, ?0s. The antapical process may be larger and more conspicuous, the apical processes smaller than the others.
Archaeopyle single-plate precingular (type P): operculum free.
Stover and Williams, 1987, p. 179:
Plethysyrinx Sarjeant 1981 and Cyclapophysis Benson 1976 possess intratabular to penitabular, fibrous processes with distal trabeculae or a discontinuous membrane connecting the precingular and postcingular processes. In addition, both genera have isolated apical and antapical processes, a precingular archeopyle and lack cingular processes. These similarities, together with the gonyaulacacean paratabulation displayed by Plethysyrinx and Cyclapophysis, attest to their being congeneric.
"Plethysyrinx", Sarjeant, 1981, p.106.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Disphaerogena, by implication in Stover and Williams (1987, p.179), who considered Plethysyrinx to be a taxonomic junior synonym of Cyclapophysis, which is now considered to be a taxonomic junior synonym of Disphaerogena.
Type: Corradini, 1973, pl.22, fig.5, as Cordosphaeridium lemniscatum.
Original description: [Sarjeant, 1981]:
Cyst spheroidal to broadly ellipsoidal, skolochorate to phragmochorate, trabeculate. Phragma two-layered, with processes typically or constantly formed from the periphragm only. Processes intratabular or in the form of closely interwoven penitabular clusters simulating fenestrate processes; subconical to tubiform, flared or infundibular, with variable distal development. Their walls may be fibrous and the fibres may have rootlike proximal extensions: parasutural features are, however, lacking. Adjacent processes or clusters are connected by a complete or incomplete web-like meshwork of trabeculae, but no external investing membrane is developed.
Paratabulation gonyaulacacean, with the formula 3-4`, 6", 0c, 5-6```, 0-1p, 1````, ?0s. The antapical process may be larger and more conspicuous, the apical processes smaller than the others.
Archaeopyle single-plate precingular (type P): operculum free.
Stover and Williams, 1987, p. 179:
Plethysyrinx Sarjeant 1981 and Cyclapophysis Benson 1976 possess intratabular to penitabular, fibrous processes with distal trabeculae or a discontinuous membrane connecting the precingular and postcingular processes. In addition, both genera have isolated apical and antapical processes, a precingular archeopyle and lack cingular processes. These similarities, together with the gonyaulacacean paratabulation displayed by Plethysyrinx and Cyclapophysis, attest to their being congeneric.