Data plotted here is from DINOSTRAT, available via Zenodo: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7791273. Please cite Bijl, 2022 when using this data.
Plots are based on the following information
Plots are based on the following information
FO/LO | Location | Taxon | Source | Calibration | Age (Ma) | Paleolatitude |
FO | Arctic Basin | Stephanelytron callovianum | Bujak et al., 2022 | 0 in amm_b_Proplanulites koenigi | 164.6 | 73.21211285714286 |
FO | Arctic Basin | Stephanelytron membranoideum | Bujak et al., 2022 | 0 in amm_b_Aulacostephanus mutabilis | 152.04 | 72.4259364 |
FO | Haldager 1 | Stephanelytron membranoideum | Davey, 1982 | 0 in amm_b_Galbanites kerberus | 144.52 | 43.98550942222222 |
FO | Haldager 1 | Stephanelytron membranoideum | Davey, 1982 | 0 in amm_b_Galbanites kerberus | 144.52 | 43.98550942222222 |
FO | Kandern | Stephanelytron redcliffense | Dimter and Smelror, 1990 | 0.25 in amm_b_Kosmoceras jason | 163.4275 | 37.369049185 |
FO | Kandern | Stephanelytron scurburghense | Dimter and Smelror, 1990 | 0.25 in amm_b_Kosmoceras jason | 163.4275 | 37.369049185 |
FO | Scotian Margin | Stephanelytron spp. | Williams et al., 1993 | 0.6 in stage_Callovian | 163.034 | 30.350242682857147 |
FO | Volga Basin | Stephanelytron membranoideum | Harding et al., 2011 | 0 in amm_r_Virgatites virgatus | 145.1 | 46.74877733333333 |
FO | Rio Argos | Stephanelytron membranoideum | Leereveld, 1997b | 1 in amm_t_Saynoceras verrucosum | 134.55 | 23.82528538393496 |
FO | Denmark3 | Stephanelytron spp. | Poulsen and Riding, 2003 sensu Riding et al., 2010 | 0.1 in stage_Callovian | 164.914 | 45.02601922714286 |
FO | nw Australia compilation | Stephanelytron spp. | Riding et al., 2010 | 0 in stage_Callovian | 165.29 | -40.23798007857143 |
FO | nw Australia compilation | Stephanelytron spp. | Riding et al., 2010 | 0 in stage_Callovian | 165.29 | -40.23798007857143 |
FO | Isle of Skye | Stephanelytron redcliffense | Riding and Thomas, 1997 | 0.2 in amm_b_Kosmoceras jason | 163.436 | 43.22135924 |
FO | North Sea Coast | Stephanelytron redcliffense | Riley and Fenton, 1982 | 0 in amm_b_Kosmoceras jason | 163.47 | 36.55438875 |
FO | Albstadt | Stephanelytron callovianum | Smelror and Dietl, 1994 | 0.33 in amm_b_Proplanulites koenigi | 164.35909999999998 | 37.018888049 |
FO | Caucasus | Stephanelytron caytonense | Smelror and Lominadze, 1989 | 0 in amm_b_Kosmoceras jason | 163.47 | 37.61025 |
FO | Kong Karls Land | Stephanelytron redcliffense | Smelror, 1988b | 1 in amm_b_Peltoceras athleta | 162.45 | 66.84180267857144 |
FO | North Sea Basin | Stephanelytron redcliffense | Copestake and Partington, 2023 | 0 in amm_b_Kosmoceras jason | 163.47 | 43.17481802857143 |
LO | Arctic Basin | Stephanelytron membranoideum | Bujak et al., 2022 | 0 in amm_b_Pictonia baylei | 154.78 | 73.0867148 |
LO | North Sea Compilation | Stephanelytron membranoideum | Costa and Davey, 1992 | 1 in amm_b_Epicheloniceras martinoides | 117.53 | 43.104612716666665 |
LO | North Sea Compilation | Stephanelytron spp. | Riding and Thomas, 1992 | 0.5 in amm_b_Aulacostephanus mutabilis | 151.515 | 39.37135181666667 |
LO | Scotian Margin | Stephanelytron spp. | Williams et al., 1993 | 0.2 in stage_Kimmeridgian | 153.672 | 32.56701598666667 |
LO | 534 | Stephanelytron scurburghense | Habib and Drugg, 1983 | 0.5 in mag_M24n | 150.9853414648186 | 20.694712674654145 |
LO | Central Danish Trough | Stephanelytron membranoideum | Heilmann-Clausen, 1987 | 1 in amm_b_Parahoplites nutfieldiensis | 114.8 | 47.35207666666667 |
LO | Quercy | Stephanelytron scurburghense | Ioannides et al., 1988 | 1 in amm_b_Aulacostephanus mutabilis | 150.99 | 31.065956925000002 |
LO | Denmark3 | Stephanelytron spp. | Poulsen and Riding, 2003 sensu Riding et al., 2010 | 0.75 in stage_Kimmeridgian | 150.625 | 44.180812 |
LO | nw Australia compilation | Stephanelytron spp. | Riding et al., 2010 | 0.5 in stage_Tithonian | 146.17000000000002 | -48.727518033333325 |
LO | nw Australia compilation | Stephanelytron spp. | Riding et al., 2010 | 0.5 in stage_Tithonian | 146.17000000000002 | -48.727518033333325 |
LO | Isle of Skye | Stephanelytron redcliffense | Riding and Thomas, 1997 | 0.8 in amm_b_Perisphinctes cautisnigrae | 157.368 | 43.82942142666666 |
LO | Caucasus | Stephanelytron caytonense | Smelror and Lominadze, 1989 | 1 in amm_b_Kosmoceras jason | 163.3 | 37.5975 |
LO | Kong Karls Land | Stephanelytron redcliffense | Smelror, 1988b | 0.4 between 0 amm_b_Cardioceras cordatum 1 amm_b_Perisphinctes plicatilis | 159.136 | 67.25303457142857 |
LO | North Sea Basin | Stephanelytron redcliffense | Copestake and Partington, 2023 | 0.33 in amm_b_Ringsteadia pseudocordata | 156.4148 | 43.180597044 |