
From Fensome et al., 2019:

Talimudinium, Mao Shaozhi and Norris, 1988, p.47–48.
Type: Mao Shaozhi and Norris, 1988, pl.15, fig.12; text-fig.18, no.1, as Talimudinium scissura.


Original description: [Mao Shao-zhi and Norris, 1988]:

Cyst proximate, typically bicavate to cornucavate, peridinioid, with an apical and two antapical horns, the last two being well to weakly developed and unequal in size, with the left one usually longer than the right. Periphragm thin, smooth or sparsely granulate; endophragm also thin, smooth or with scattered granules. Cingulum distinct, delineated by folds or ridges of low to medium height. Tabulation indistinct, weakly indicated by imperfect low sutural ridges- when discernible, peridiniacean 4`, 3a, 7", 6-7C, 5```, 2````. Archeopyle transapical, type (tA3I2P). The archeopyle suture dividing epitract into unequal parts, the large part being composed of apical, intercalary, and two (1", 2") precingular plates.
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