
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Trioperculodinium Drugg, 1970b, p.820.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Lingulodinium, according to Wall and Dale in Wall et al. (1973, p.24).
Type: Drugg, 1970b, text-figs.16F–G, as Trioperculodinium siculum.


Original description: [Drugg, 1970]:

Chorate spherical tract possessing a dorsal precingular archaeopyle reflecting the loss of plates 2``, 3`` and 4``. The tract wall is two-layered. The ornamentation consists of intratabular processes which are closed both proximally and distally. There are several processes to each plate area.

This genus is similar to Operculodinium Wall, 1967. Trioperculodinium differs primarily in that the operculum consists of three plates (2``, 3``, and 4``) rather than one plate (3``).
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