From Fensome et al., 2019:
Orobodinium, Gocht and Wille, 1990, p.697–698.
Type: Gocht and Wille, 1990, fig.4, as Orobodinium automobile.
Original description: [Gocht and Wille, 1990]: (Translation: LPP):
Cysts small, spherical, without paratabulation. Wall consisting of one to several layers. Surface smooth or with low ornamentation (scabrate, vermiculate, reticulate, etc.).
Archaeopyle apical, without accessory fissures. Operculum free. Orientation of archaeopyle: The connection with the anterior sulcal plate is there, where the archaeopyle outline or operculum respectively presents the strongest pointedness. Then the precingular ring can be reconstructed as follows:
1`` camerate;
2`` relatively narrow, weakly camerate;
3`` planate;
4`` planate to weakly camerate;
5``-6`` mostly fused into a broadly-planate plate; sometimes subdivided by an angle into shorter 5`` and longer 6``;
7`` camerate.
Gocht and Wille, 1990, p. 698
Orobodinium, Gocht and Wille, 1990, p.697–698.
Type: Gocht and Wille, 1990, fig.4, as Orobodinium automobile.
Original description: [Gocht and Wille, 1990]: (Translation: LPP):
Cysts small, spherical, without paratabulation. Wall consisting of one to several layers. Surface smooth or with low ornamentation (scabrate, vermiculate, reticulate, etc.).
Archaeopyle apical, without accessory fissures. Operculum free. Orientation of archaeopyle: The connection with the anterior sulcal plate is there, where the archaeopyle outline or operculum respectively presents the strongest pointedness. Then the precingular ring can be reconstructed as follows:
1`` camerate;
2`` relatively narrow, weakly camerate;
3`` planate;
4`` planate to weakly camerate;
5``-6`` mostly fused into a broadly-planate plate; sometimes subdivided by an angle into shorter 5`` and longer 6``;
7`` camerate.
Gocht and Wille, 1990, p. 698