From Fensome et al., 2019:
Conneximura, May, 1980, p.45–46.
Emendation: Marheinecke, 1992, p.112.
Type: Morgenroth, 1968, pl.45, figs.7–8, as Hystrichokolpoma? fimbriata.
Original description: [May, 1980]:
Chorate, bilayered cyst, bearing simulate, broadbased, parallel sided, polygonal, hollow, and distally open processes which reflect all plate
equivalents. Walls of similar construction and size as process walls frequently connect process comers with adjacent gonal positions of plate
equivalents, imparting a complex net-like appearance to the cyst surface. Apical and antapical processes may be different in size and construction
from the other processes.
Reflected tabulation 1`, 6``, 6c, 5```, 1p, 1````.
Archeopyle precingular (Type P).
Modified descriptions:
Stover and Williams 1987, p. 61:
Cysts skolochorate, body subspherical and bearing penitabular processes and parasutural septa; additional short septa may extend from gonal positions to the corners of processes; paratabulation gonyaulacacean, formula: 1pr, 4`, 6", 6c, 5```,1p, 1````; archeopyle precingular type P (3" only), operculum free.
Shape: Body subspherical.
Wall relationships: Periphragm and endophragm appressed between walls of processes and septa.
Wall features: Penitabular processes moderately high, hollow and open distally, height of parasutural septa approximates that of the processes.
Additional short septa, mainly on the ventral surface, may extend from gonal position towards the corners of processes. Periphragm smooth or finely ornamented.
Archeopyle: Precingular type P (3" only), operculum free.
Paratabulation: Indicated primarily by penitabular processes and by parasutural septa where the latter are developed; gonyaulacacean, formula:
1pr, 4`, 6", 6c, 5```, 1p, 1````; evidently the first postcingular paraplate is not expressed.
Paracingulum: Indicated mainly on the dorsal and lateral surfaces by adcingular edges of penitabular processes and additionally by short septa;
ventral expression consists of a transverse vacant area between pre- and postcingular processes.
Parasulcus: Indicated by midventral vacant area bounded by processes.
Size: Intermediate, length about 60 to 80 µm
Emended description:
Marheinecke, 1992:
Cyst sphaeroidal to ovoidal. Wall consisting of pedium and luxuria. Luxuria develops ornamentation, processes and saptae, which may by finate or nonfinate. They give rise to a complicated tabulation which, however, is gonyaulacoid. Surface of central body smooth. Processes gonal, intergonal and intraareate. Processes may be hollow at the bases, taper towards a closed tip. Processes are always simple. Development of septae varies.
Stover and Williams, 1987, p. 61: Conneximura differs from Achilleodinium Eaton 1976 in having septa as well as penitabular processes, and inlacking well-defined, individual cingular processes.
Conneximura, May, 1980, p.45–46.
Emendation: Marheinecke, 1992, p.112.
Type: Morgenroth, 1968, pl.45, figs.7–8, as Hystrichokolpoma? fimbriata.
Original description: [May, 1980]:
Chorate, bilayered cyst, bearing simulate, broadbased, parallel sided, polygonal, hollow, and distally open processes which reflect all plate
equivalents. Walls of similar construction and size as process walls frequently connect process comers with adjacent gonal positions of plate
equivalents, imparting a complex net-like appearance to the cyst surface. Apical and antapical processes may be different in size and construction
from the other processes.
Reflected tabulation 1`, 6``, 6c, 5```, 1p, 1````.
Archeopyle precingular (Type P).
Modified descriptions:
Stover and Williams 1987, p. 61:
Cysts skolochorate, body subspherical and bearing penitabular processes and parasutural septa; additional short septa may extend from gonal positions to the corners of processes; paratabulation gonyaulacacean, formula: 1pr, 4`, 6", 6c, 5```,1p, 1````; archeopyle precingular type P (3" only), operculum free.
Shape: Body subspherical.
Wall relationships: Periphragm and endophragm appressed between walls of processes and septa.
Wall features: Penitabular processes moderately high, hollow and open distally, height of parasutural septa approximates that of the processes.
Additional short septa, mainly on the ventral surface, may extend from gonal position towards the corners of processes. Periphragm smooth or finely ornamented.
Archeopyle: Precingular type P (3" only), operculum free.
Paratabulation: Indicated primarily by penitabular processes and by parasutural septa where the latter are developed; gonyaulacacean, formula:
1pr, 4`, 6", 6c, 5```, 1p, 1````; evidently the first postcingular paraplate is not expressed.
Paracingulum: Indicated mainly on the dorsal and lateral surfaces by adcingular edges of penitabular processes and additionally by short septa;
ventral expression consists of a transverse vacant area between pre- and postcingular processes.
Parasulcus: Indicated by midventral vacant area bounded by processes.
Size: Intermediate, length about 60 to 80 µm
Emended description:
Marheinecke, 1992:
Cyst sphaeroidal to ovoidal. Wall consisting of pedium and luxuria. Luxuria develops ornamentation, processes and saptae, which may by finate or nonfinate. They give rise to a complicated tabulation which, however, is gonyaulacoid. Surface of central body smooth. Processes gonal, intergonal and intraareate. Processes may be hollow at the bases, taper towards a closed tip. Processes are always simple. Development of septae varies.
Stover and Williams, 1987, p. 61: Conneximura differs from Achilleodinium Eaton 1976 in having septa as well as penitabular processes, and inlacking well-defined, individual cingular processes.