From Fensome et al., 2019:
Sokolovidinium, Lentin and Vozzhennikova, 1990, p.113–114.
Type: Vozzhennikova, 1967, pl.38, figs.1a–b, as Microdinium dentatum forma sphaericum.
Original description: [Lentin and Vozzhennikova, 1990]:
Fossil dinoflagellate cyst shape subsphaerical to polyhedral; epicyst shorter than hypocyst. Autophragm finely to coarsely granulose; ectophragm very thin, may be porate, appressed to autophragm in intratabular areas; sutures defined by suturocavate crests which may be smooth, delicately ornamented or perforate; margins of the crests are smooth to undulous with short to long solid, simple acuminate processes arising from the gonal intersections.
Paratabulation indicated by parasutural crests and position of gonal processes; formula: 4`, 6-7``, 6-7c, 5-6```, 1P (?), 1````.
Archeopyle precingular, Type P (3``only).
Paracingulum indicated by six to seven elongate rectangular paraplates outlined by parasutural crests; paracingulum divides cyst into two unequal parts, epicyst being shorter than hypocyst. Parasulcal area outlined by parasutural crests and may be subdivided into small paraplates.
Sokolovidinium differs from Microdinium in having gonal processes and a precingular rather than an apical archeopyle; from Druggidium which has a type 2Pa (2``+3``) archeopyle; and from Hystrichodinium by having the short epicyst and long hypocyst, suturocavate parasutural crests and very long, distinctly gonal processes. Omatidium Courtinat from the Jurassic is several times larger than Sokolovidinium.
Sokolovidinium, Lentin and Vozzhennikova, 1990, p.113–114.
Type: Vozzhennikova, 1967, pl.38, figs.1a–b, as Microdinium dentatum forma sphaericum.
Original description: [Lentin and Vozzhennikova, 1990]:
Fossil dinoflagellate cyst shape subsphaerical to polyhedral; epicyst shorter than hypocyst. Autophragm finely to coarsely granulose; ectophragm very thin, may be porate, appressed to autophragm in intratabular areas; sutures defined by suturocavate crests which may be smooth, delicately ornamented or perforate; margins of the crests are smooth to undulous with short to long solid, simple acuminate processes arising from the gonal intersections.
Paratabulation indicated by parasutural crests and position of gonal processes; formula: 4`, 6-7``, 6-7c, 5-6```, 1P (?), 1````.
Archeopyle precingular, Type P (3``only).
Paracingulum indicated by six to seven elongate rectangular paraplates outlined by parasutural crests; paracingulum divides cyst into two unequal parts, epicyst being shorter than hypocyst. Parasulcal area outlined by parasutural crests and may be subdivided into small paraplates.
Sokolovidinium differs from Microdinium in having gonal processes and a precingular rather than an apical archeopyle; from Druggidium which has a type 2Pa (2``+3``) archeopyle; and from Hystrichodinium by having the short epicyst and long hypocyst, suturocavate parasutural crests and very long, distinctly gonal processes. Omatidium Courtinat from the Jurassic is several times larger than Sokolovidinium.