
From Fensome et al., 2019:

Furzidinium, Stancliffe, 1991, p.188.
Type: Stancliffe, 1991, pl.4, fig.5; text-figs.6A–B, as Furzidinium sentum.


Original description: [Stancliffe, 1991]:

Subspherical to subpolygonal proximochorate dinoflagellate cyst, phragma smooth to slightly granular. Epicyst is the same size to slightly smaller than the hypocyst. Ornament of thin, short to medium length, distally closed, probably solid processes mounted on very low sutural walls. The apex is marked by a small mamelon. Tabulation indistinct, formula probably 4`, 6", ?6c, 6```, 1p, 2s, 1````. Archeopyle epicystal.

Other similar genera recorded from Upper Jurassic strata which have an epicystal archeopyle and ornament distributed over the cyst include Ctenidodinium Deflandre 1938 emend. Woollam 1983, Korystocysta Woollam 1983 and Dichad ogonyaulax Sarjeant 1966. Furzidinium differs from Ctenidodinium by having an apical mamelon, and ornament of equal size on both sides of the cingulum. The genus differs from Dichadogonyaulax by its distribution of processes near the cingulum. The processes of Furzidinium are developed on the hypocystal side of the cingulum and not on the epicystal side. Korystocysta differs by having denticulate parasutural crests without processes and a different tabulation formula. All three forms have a distinctly laevorotatory cingulum which is not developed in Furzidinium. Omatidium Courtinat 1980 emend. Courtinat 1989 has a precingular archeopyle as does Raphidodinium Deflandre 1936 and Hystrichodinium Deflandre 1935. Xiphophoridium Sarjeant 1966 has an apical archeopyle and longer processes. Luehndea Morgenroth 1970 has 3 intercalary plates, longer more lanceolate processes and does not have a-mamelon. Cauca Davey & Verdier 1974 always has longer more robust processes and never shows the development of apical structures.
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