
From Williams et al., 2017:

[Abratopdinium, Mao Shaozhi and Mohr, 1992, p. 317-318

Type species: Abratopdinium kerguelense, Mao Shaozhi and Mohr, 1992 (pl.1, fig.1)]


Original description: [Mao Shaozhi and Mohr, 1992]:

Circumcavate cysts, ambital outline circular, subcircular, to heartlike. Both periphragm and endophragm thin and hyaline; periphragm smooth or with features of low relief; endophragm smooth.
Paracingulum generally indicated by ridges only seen marginally, seldom by sparse verrucae seen on the surface. Parasulcus, where present, limited to the hypocyst.
Archeopyle intercalary [2a], standard hexastyle, iso-thetaform or rounded at each corner, AI = 0.53-0.63; operculum free.

Abratopdinium differs from any published genus in its thin and hyaline wall, small to medium size, archeopyle type, and rounded shape with no distinct horns. Nelsoniella, which may have a similar outline, has a thicker wall and is epicavate only.
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