
From Williams et al., 2017:

[Centrodinium, Kofoid, 1907a, p. 185]

Dinoflagellate genus based on the motile stage.


Original description [Kofoid, 1907a]:

Steiniella (?) Cleve.

Ceratiinae with laterally compressed midbody contracted to an apical horn with pore and a single median antapical, median girdle on midbody, transverse furrow impressed, forming a descending right spiral. Longitudinal furrow mainly confined to hypotheca. Theca fully divided in discrete plates. Suture lines faint. Epitheca composed of apical and precingular series, 2 plates (possibly 4) in the former, and 6 in the latter. Girdle not distinctly divided into constituent plates. Hypotheca composed of 5 precingulars, 4 antapicals, and one dorsal intercalary. Thecal wall hyaline, structureless, porulate. Small ventral pore above the flagellar pore. Chromatophores present.
In warm temperate and tropical seas.
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