
From Fensome et al., 2019:

Flandrecysta, Slimani, 1994, p.53.
Type: Slimani, 1994, pl.8, figs.15–18; text-figs.6A–B, as Flandrecysta furcata.


Original description: [Slimani, 1994]: (Translation: LPP):

Proximate, proximochorate to skolochorate and epicavate cyst. The endocyst is ovoidal and often presents an apical boss. The smooth to lightly scabrate endophragm and peripragm are separated by a large pericoel on the apical and ventral regions, and on the two lateral surfaces, and otherwise appressed. The pericyst has a generally subhemispherical outline in dorsoventral view. The pericoel is connected with the exterior by a large opening located in the middle of the ventral part of the periphragm. The hypocystal region has or has no long furcate to digiate processes. The paratabulation is indicated on the epicyst by parasutural lines or crests and sometimes probably gonal processes: 4`, 6``, ?6c, 0-4```, 0-1````.
The archaeopyle is precingular type P (3`` only).
The paracingulum is indicated by two parallel lines or by gonal processes.
The parasulcus is almost occupied by the ventral opening of the periphragm.

Flandrecysta has characteristics which remind of other genera like Thalassiphora Eisenack and Gocht, 1960, Hystrichostrogylon Agelopoulos, 1964 emend. Stover and Evit, 1978, Lopohosphaera Manum, 1979 and turnhosphaera Slimani, 1994; it differs from each of those genera by the combination of the following characteristics: an endophragm and periphragm separated by a large pericoel on the entire apical, ventral and lateral parts of the epicyst, the presence of a ventral opening in the periphragm, the presence of parasutural crests on the pericyst and also the presence of gonal and intergonal processes. Thalassiphora has a middorsally appressed and otherwise separated endophragm and periphragm. Hystrichostrogylon is camocavate, its pericoel is not limited to the epicyst. Lophosphaera lacks processes and is camocavate with a pericoel which is developed on the entire ventral surface, Turnhosphaera evenly possesses parasutural crests but it is epicavate with a small endoarchaeopyle and a large precingular periarchaeopyle.
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