
From Fensome et al., 2019:

Nanshadinium, He Chengquan and Sun Xuekun, 1991, p.290.
Type: He Chengquan and Sun Xuekun, 1991, pl.1, figs.7a–b; text-fig.59, as Nanshadinium decorosum.


Original description: [He Chengquan and Sun Xuekun, 1991]:

Proximate peridinioid cysts with an apical and two symmetrical antapical horns. Wall made up of autophragm, surface smooth or ornamented with nontabular features of low relief.
Paracinglum conspicuous and planar, delimited by low ridges.
Parasulcus deeply indented and extending to the base of epicyst.
Archeopyle combined intercalary and precingular, Type 313P, formed by loss of a compound operculum consisting of three intercalary paraplates (1a to 3a) and three precigular paraplates (3"-5"). Operculum free or adherent.

Nashadinium gen. nov. differs from Palaeoperidinium Deflandre 1935 and Paraperidinium Jin, He et Zhu 1989 which have similar morphology in that its third apical paraplate is not involved in the formation of the archeopyle. It differs from Votadinium Reid 1977 in having a combination Type 3I3P archeopyle rather than an intercalary archeopyle; from Verctidinium Liengjarern et al. 1980, which appears to have the same archeopyle, in lacking indication of paratabulation other than archeopyle and/or paracingulum, and in having a developed apical and two antapical horns. Lunatadinium Bridaeux et McIntyre 1973, which may also have the same type of archeopyle, has a circular or subcircular outline. In Laciniadinium McIntyre 1975 and Sinocysta He 1984 the single 3I3P opercular piece remains adnate along its cingular margin, and prominent apical and antapical horns are absent. Morkallacysta Harris 1974, like Nanshadininium in basic morphology, possesses a 3I archeopyle.
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