
From Fensome et al., 2019:

Skuadinium, Riding and Helby, 2001a, p.14–15.
Taxonomic junior synonym: Skuaceratopsis (name not validly published), by implication in Riding and Helby (2001a, p.15). Riding and Helby indicated that Skuaceratopsis is an unpublished synonym for Skuadinium asymmetricum.
Type: Riding and Helby, 2001a, fig.8M, as Skuadinium biturbinatum.


Original description: [Riding and Helby, 2001a]:

Acavate, proximate, biconical or subbiconical dinoflagellate cysts, intermediate in size with single apical and antapical horns. Subbiconical forms may be distorted by two hypocystal protuberances at and below the paracingulum on the ventral side. Autophragm smooth, or with low-relief, ornamentation; entire or reticulate. Ornamentation nontabular to occasionally partially tabular. Dark, subcircular accumulation bodies are generally present in paracingular region.
Paratabulation generally indicated by the paracingulum and parasulcus.
Archaeopyle type uncertain, possibly epicystal.

In outline, Skuadinium, resembles several Triassic and Jurassic genera. Kalyptea Cookson & Eisenack 1960 has an anterior intercalary archaeopyle and is normally kalyptrate. The Early Jurassic Liasdium Drugg 1978 has a large single paraplate anterior intercalary archaeopyle and prominent shoulders on the epicyst and hypocyst. The archaeopyle of Rhaetogonyaulax Sarjaent 1966 emend. Harland et al. 1975 is a distinctive combination (apical/anterior intercalary) type and Sverdrupiella Bujak & Fischer 1976 is cavate. Derivation of name. The genus Skuadinium is named after the Skua oilfield in the Timor Sea.
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