From Fensome et al., 2019:
Oligokolpoma, Fensome et al., 2009, p.47.
Type: Fensome et al., 2009, pl.7, figs.m–o, as Oligokolpoma tubulus.
Original description: [Fensome et al., 2009]:
Gonyaulacacean (cribroperidinioid) cysts that are chorate, with a spheroidal central body. Acavate. Processes mesotabular in all series except cingular and (generally) sulcal; most pre- and postcingular processes broad and presumably larger than apical processes, but pre- and postcingular processes adjacent to the sulcus may be reduced; antapical process usually exceptionally large. Archaeopyle apical, with formula A(i^<), operculum free.
The above diagnosis can also serve as a synopsis. Oligokolpoma differs from Hystrichokolpoma in lacking cingular and sulcal processes and from Oligosphaeridium in having processes of different sizes, reflecting the size of the corresponding plates. The antapical process may be exceptionally large. Zevenboom & Santarelli in Zevenboom (1995) illustrated two species that fit the circumscription of the new genus, Hystrichokolpoma pseudooceanicum and Hystrichokolpoma reductum: both species names were, however, not validly published (as expressly indicated by the authors). See also the discussion under Cousteaudinium.
Oligokolpoma, Fensome et al., 2009, p.47.
Type: Fensome et al., 2009, pl.7, figs.m–o, as Oligokolpoma tubulus.
Original description: [Fensome et al., 2009]:
Gonyaulacacean (cribroperidinioid) cysts that are chorate, with a spheroidal central body. Acavate. Processes mesotabular in all series except cingular and (generally) sulcal; most pre- and postcingular processes broad and presumably larger than apical processes, but pre- and postcingular processes adjacent to the sulcus may be reduced; antapical process usually exceptionally large. Archaeopyle apical, with formula A(i^<), operculum free.
The above diagnosis can also serve as a synopsis. Oligokolpoma differs from Hystrichokolpoma in lacking cingular and sulcal processes and from Oligosphaeridium in having processes of different sizes, reflecting the size of the corresponding plates. The antapical process may be exceptionally large. Zevenboom & Santarelli in Zevenboom (1995) illustrated two species that fit the circumscription of the new genus, Hystrichokolpoma pseudooceanicum and Hystrichokolpoma reductum: both species names were, however, not validly published (as expressly indicated by the authors). See also the discussion under Cousteaudinium.