
From Fensome et al., 2019:

Rhadinodinium, Williams et al., 2015,p.309.
Type: Williams and Downie, 1966b, pl.20, fig.9. as Wetzeliella(Rhombodinium) glabra.


Original description: []:

Wetzelielloidean cysts with a hyperepeliform archeopyle and pericyst unornamented or with features of low relief.

Shape: Dorso-ventral outline of pericyst rhomboidal, horn development variable. Dorso-ventral outline of endocyst rounded to ovoidal.
Wall structure: Periphragm thin to moderate, surface smooth or with features of low relief. Endophragm thicker than periphragm, smooth to granular.
Pericoels: Cysts circumcavate.
Tabulation: Expressed by the archeopyle and by the cingulum.
Archeopyle: Hyperepeliform. Perioperculum free. Endoarcheopyle equal in width, but shorter than periarcheopyle; endoperculum free.
Furrows: Cingulum indicated by slight folding or thickening of pericyst along sutures. Sulcus not clearly delineated.
Size: Large.

specimens of Wetzeliella glabra:
overall pericyst length had a range of 140–151 μm, with an overall width of 147–168 μm, an overall endocyst length of 66–80 μm and an overall endocyst width of 69–76 μm.

Rhadinodinium may be distinguished from Sagenodinium, Stenodinium and Wilsonidium, all of which have hyperepeliform archeopyles, by its pericyst-al ornamentation, i.e. smooth or with features of low relief. Other genera with ornamentation like that of Rhadinodinium are Epelidinium, Petalodinium and Rhombodinium. Epelidinium has an equiepeliform archeopyle, Petalodinium has a latiepeliform archeopyle and Rhombodinium has a soleiform archeopyle.
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