
Data plotted here is from DINOSTRAT, available via Zenodo: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7791273. Please cite Bijl, 2022 when using this data.

Plots are based on the following information

FO/LO Location Taxon Source Calibration Age (Ma) Paleolatitude
FO Hold With Hope Sindridinium borealis Nøhr-Hansen et al., 2020 0.75 in stage_Albian 103.675 58.40896765
FO Hold With Hope Sindridinium tarulosa Nøhr-Hansen et al., 2020 0.55 in stage_Albian 106.215 58.22516817
FO Hold With Hope Sindridinium anaanae Nøhr-Hansen et al., 2020 0.5 in stage_Cenomanian 97.2 58.877511600000005
LO Trunch borehole Sindridinium borealis Pearce et al., 2020 0 in amm_b_Acanthoceras rhotomagense 96.08 NA
LO Hold With Hope Sindridinium anaanae Nøhr-Hansen et al., 2020 0.59 in stage_Cenomanian 96.60600000000001 58.920494628

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