Areoligera pauciornata

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Areoligera pauciornataVieira et al., 2017, p.185, pl.2, figs.7–12. Holotype: Vieira et al., 2017, pl.2, fig.7.
Type locality: southern part of the Ormen Lange field (Norway) over the Danian-aged reservoir
Local stratigraphical range: Danian (Early Paleocene)


Original description: Vieira, M. et al., 2018:

The cyst shows a circular or subcircular outline sometimes modified by the development of a single or two antapical protuberances. The body seems to be dorsoventrally flattened with a smooth or finely granular surface.
Paratabulation: indicated by arcute, annulate penitabular process complexes.
Processes: intratabular, restricted to the peripheral zone of the cyst body. The dorsal membranes, which in most species of Areoligera are clearly organised into process complexes with variable terminations and bifurcations, in this form seem to bear soleate complexes which are reduced or truncated to only short, thin dispersed processes forming visible rings across the plate; distally some of these individual process terminations can be blunt or acuminate.
A well-developed sulcal notch is noted on the ventral surface.
Archeopyle: apical (tA), tetratabular.

Holotype: cyst body length 77 µm, width 77 µm (without operculum), cyst body length 91 µm, width 91 µm (with processes), length of processes 11 µm
20 specimens measured: Cyst body length 58 (71) 86.5 µm, width 58 (71) 81.5 µm (without operculum) cyst body length 67.5 (84) 100 µm, width 63 (83.5) 96 µm (with processes), length of processes 6.5 (9.7) 12.5 µm.

This cyst has been identified in other cored wells in the lower part of the Danian in the Ormen Lange field, by RPS Ichron Ltd. palynologists, but has never been formally published.
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