Spiniferopsis granulata

Spiniferopsis granulata He Chengquan, 1984

Holotype: He Chengquan, 1984, pl.1, fig.1
Age: Late Paleocene-Middle Eocene

Description: Body outline elliptical. Apical section already fallen away during formation of archaeopyle. Wall of medium thickness (about 2.5 µm) and composed of two layers. Inner wall thinner, less than 1 µm in thickness, and compact. Outer wall displays some inner structures. Surface conspicuously and densely granulate and bearing processes. Processes located only at plate angles; slender, long and solid; uniform in width but not in length. Distal pole has 2 - 3 extra fairly long branches, tips of which are simple or faintly bifurcate. Plates bounded by smooth and fine sutural ridges. Six precingular Plates conspicuously displayed at edge of apical archaeopyle. Tabulation is roughly ?" (possibly 4"), 6"", 6c, 5"""--(6"""?), l"""". Cingulum conspicuous, subannular, 5 to 7 µm in width. Cingular plates are transversely extended hexagons. Sulcus indistinct. Archaeopyle apical, type tA, and created by loss of all apical plates; margin conspicuously saw-toothed; short accessory suture well developed. Operculum lost.
Size: Body (lacking apical section) 50 µm long and 55 µm wide. Processes 15 µm long.

Note: This new type is characterized by an apical archaeopyle, the location of processes at plate angles only, and fairly thick walls. At present only one specimen has been found, and the morphological features of the apical portion of the body are still unclear.

Locality and Horizon: Bashibulake, in Wuqia County: Wulagen Formation
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