Achomosphaera septentrionalis
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Achomosphaera septentrionalis, (Harland, 1977b, p.103–104, pl.1, figs.12–18; text-fig.4) Morzadec-Kerfourn, 1979, p.224.
Holotype: Harland, 1977b, pl.1, figs.17–18; Jan du Chêne and Londeix, 1988, pl.1, figs.10–12.
NOW Spiniferites.
Originally (and now) Spiniferites, subsequently Achomosphaera (combination not validly published).
Combination not validly published: not intended by it's author.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Achomosphaera andalousiensis, according to Harland (1983, p.326) — however, Londeix et al. (2009, p.67–68) retained Spiniferites septentrionalis. Head and Wrenn (1992, p.2) had earlier questioned the synonymy and Matsuoka in Head and Wrenn (1992, p.26) considered Spiniferites aquilonius to be a possible synonym of Spiniferites septentrionalis.
Taxonomic junior synonym: Achomosphaera ramulifera subsp. perforata, according to Morzadec-Kerfourn (1979, p.224) as a senior synonym; however, Mertens et al. (2018a, p.11) did not accept this synonymy. Morzadec-Kerfourn (1979, p.224) included "Achomosphaera septentrionalis" in synonymy under Achomosphaera perforata; she clearly did not intend to create a new combination.
Age: late Quaternary.
Achomosphaera septentrionalis, (Harland, 1977b, p.103–104, pl.1, figs.12–18; text-fig.4) Morzadec-Kerfourn, 1979, p.224.
Holotype: Harland, 1977b, pl.1, figs.17–18; Jan du Chêne and Londeix, 1988, pl.1, figs.10–12.
NOW Spiniferites.
Originally (and now) Spiniferites, subsequently Achomosphaera (combination not validly published).
Combination not validly published: not intended by it's author.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Achomosphaera andalousiensis, according to Harland (1983, p.326) — however, Londeix et al. (2009, p.67–68) retained Spiniferites septentrionalis. Head and Wrenn (1992, p.2) had earlier questioned the synonymy and Matsuoka in Head and Wrenn (1992, p.26) considered Spiniferites aquilonius to be a possible synonym of Spiniferites septentrionalis.
Taxonomic junior synonym: Achomosphaera ramulifera subsp. perforata, according to Morzadec-Kerfourn (1979, p.224) as a senior synonym; however, Mertens et al. (2018a, p.11) did not accept this synonymy. Morzadec-Kerfourn (1979, p.224) included "Achomosphaera septentrionalis" in synonymy under Achomosphaera perforata; she clearly did not intend to create a new combination.
Age: late Quaternary.