Tenua magna
From Fensome et al., 2019:
(Duxbury, 2001, p.101–102, fig.4, nos.1–4) Fensome et al., 2019a, p.49. Holotype: Duxbury, 2001, fig.4,
no.3; Fensome et al., 2019a, fig.18H. Originally Cerbia, subsequently (and now) Tenua Eisenack. Age: late
Original description Duxbury, 2001:
Comments Fensome et al., 2019a:
In erecting this species, Duxbury (2001, p. 101) stated:
"Low apical, lateral and antapical projections are present, and short spines are distributed over the surface of the cyst. These spines are variable in their distribution, often essentially penitabular, but sometimes more densely arranged."
Thus, penitabular features are not clearcut and ornament covers most or all of the surface: hence we transfer this species to Tenua.
Stratigraphical occurrence. Duxbury (2001) described this species from the upper Barremian of the North Sea.
(Duxbury, 2001, p.101–102, fig.4, nos.1–4) Fensome et al., 2019a, p.49. Holotype: Duxbury, 2001, fig.4,
no.3; Fensome et al., 2019a, fig.18H. Originally Cerbia, subsequently (and now) Tenua Eisenack. Age: late
Original description Duxbury, 2001:
Comments Fensome et al., 2019a:
In erecting this species, Duxbury (2001, p. 101) stated:
"Low apical, lateral and antapical projections are present, and short spines are distributed over the surface of the cyst. These spines are variable in their distribution, often essentially penitabular, but sometimes more densely arranged."
Thus, penitabular features are not clearcut and ornament covers most or all of the surface: hence we transfer this species to Tenua.
Stratigraphical occurrence. Duxbury (2001) described this species from the upper Barremian of the North Sea.