Sentusidinium tanzaniense
From Fensome et al., 2019:
(Msaky, 2011b, p.110–111, pl.7, figs.1–3) Wood et al. 2016, p.70. Holotype: Msaky, 2011b, p.110–
111, pl.7, fig. 1. Originally Sentusidinium, subsequently (and now) Cleistosphaeridium. Age: Late Jurassic to Early
(Msaky, 2011b, p.110–111, pl.7, figs.1–3) Wood et al. 2016, p.70. Holotype: Msaky, 2011b, p.110–
111, pl.7, fig. 1. Originally Sentusidinium, subsequently (and now) Cleistosphaeridium. Age: Late Jurassic to Early