Dapsilidinium pseudoinsertum

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Dapsilidinium pseudoinsertum Fensome et al., 2016b, p.40, pl.5, figs.11–12. Holotype: Fensome et al., 2016b, pl.5, fig.12. Age: last occurrence, late Lutetian.

Original description Fensome et al., 2016b:

Holotype. Plate 5, fig. 12 from a cuttings sample at 2825‒2835 m in Rut H-11, GSC type collection no. 137957, sample P39388, slide 01, co-ordinates 19.6 × 105.1, England Finder U48/1‒2. Central body maximum diameter 32 μm; length of processes up to about 15μm. The age determined for the sample from which the holotype was recovered is Ypresian.

Etymology. The epithet is in reference to the similarity of this species to Hystrichokolpoma? incertum Michoux 1985.

Diagnosis. A species of Dapsilidinium in which some, but not all, of the processes are significantly broader than others, though the position of the broader processes appears not to be consistent.

Size. Central body maximum diameter 30‒32 μm; length of processes up to about 15 μm; two specimens measured.

Age. LO: late Lutetian.

Remarks. This species is distinctive in having a more or less bimodal variation in process widths, with a few being distinctly broader than the others. The position and number of broad processes vary from specimen to specimen. One or more of the broader processes on each specimen may be bifurcate distally down to about mid-length. In Hystrichokolpoma? incertum, the larger processes are consistently the precingulars and the antapical. In other species of Dapsilidinium, such as Dapsilidinium pseudocolligerum and Dapsilidinium simplex, the processes are more or less uniformly developed. In species of Diphyes, only the antapical process is relatively large.
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