Deflandrea borealis

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Deflandrea borealis Fensome et al., 2016b, p.40–41, pl.5, figs.17–20. Holotype: Fensome et al., 2016b, pl.5, fig.19. Age: last occurrence, latest Priabonian.

Original description Fensome et al., 2016b:

Holotype. Plate 5, fig. 19 from a cuttings sample at 3095‒3105 m in Rut H-11, GSC type collection no. 137964, sample P39397, slide 01, co-ordinates 18.9 × 98.6, England Finder T41/2. Length (including horns) 57 μm, width 55 μm. The age determined for the sample from which the holotype was recovered is Thanetian (Late Paleocene).

Etymology. The epithet is from the Latin borealis (northern) in reference to the northern occurrence of at least the type material of this species.

Diagnosis. A relatively small, squat and generally rounded species of Deflandrea with a scabrate to granulate wall and a latiform archaeopyle, the operculum of which commonly remains attached posteriorly.

Size. Length (including horns) 46‒59 μm, width 46‒55 μm; three specimens measured.

Age. LO: latest Priabonian.
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