Apteodinium fibratum
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Apteodinium fibratum Morgenroth et al., 2011, p.130, pl.1, figs.9–12; pl.2, figs.1–7. Holotype: Morgenroth et al., 2011, pl.1, figs.9–12. Age: late Early to early Late Oligocene.
Original description: [Morgenroth et al., 2011, p. 130]:
Apteodinium fibratum sp. nov.
Plate 1, figures 9-12; Plate 2, figures 1-7
Derivation of name: Latin, fibra, fiber, with reference to the fibrous surface of the cyst and, if present, the fibrous protrusions suggesting remnants of a plate pattern.
Holotype: Plate 1, figures 9-12. Sample B-2, single grain slide B-2/25
Paratypes: Single grain slides B-2/43 and B-2/44 from sample B-2
Type locality: Type section for the Batuasih Formation at Batuasih village near Cibadak, West Java (text-figure). Age: Middle-Late Early Oligocene.
Diagnosis: A species of Apteodinium with an ovoidal to sub spherical cyst. The surface of the cyst wall consists of fibers. Tabulation, cingulum and sulcus are absent, however maybe weakly indicated by arrangements of slightly longer fibers. Apical horn usually pointed and composed of fibers. Archeopyle Type P.
Description: The cysts of this Apteodinium species are ovoidal to sub spherical. The pedium, the innermost layer of the cyst wall, is covered by fibrous luxuriae which are evenly distributed on the holotype. However, on the paratypes also longer fibrous luxuriae occur indicating remnants of a gonyaulacalean tabulation pattern. The height of these luxuriae varies between 3 and 7µm, some are distally expanded. The pointed apical horn is also composed of fibers and about 7-10µm high. The specimens show a simple precingular archeopyle (3'').
Dimensions: Length of cyst 60 (66) 74µm, holotype 74µm, width of cyst 56 (59) 62µm, holotype 56µm.
3 specimens measured.
Comments: The new species has been found in only one sample in Batuasih, where it rarely occurs.
Comparisons: Apteodinium fibratum differs from the other species included into the genus Apteodinium by the fibrous luxuriae. Apteodinium spiridoides Benedek 1972, described from the German Oligocene, differs from the new species by its thicker wall (ca. 5µm) composed of spongy luxuriae and the absence of fibrous, often distally expanded, luxuriae indicating remnants of tabulation.
Apteodinium fibratum Morgenroth et al., 2011, p.130, pl.1, figs.9–12; pl.2, figs.1–7. Holotype: Morgenroth et al., 2011, pl.1, figs.9–12. Age: late Early to early Late Oligocene.
Original description: [Morgenroth et al., 2011, p. 130]:
Apteodinium fibratum sp. nov.
Plate 1, figures 9-12; Plate 2, figures 1-7
Derivation of name: Latin, fibra, fiber, with reference to the fibrous surface of the cyst and, if present, the fibrous protrusions suggesting remnants of a plate pattern.
Holotype: Plate 1, figures 9-12. Sample B-2, single grain slide B-2/25
Paratypes: Single grain slides B-2/43 and B-2/44 from sample B-2
Type locality: Type section for the Batuasih Formation at Batuasih village near Cibadak, West Java (text-figure). Age: Middle-Late Early Oligocene.
Diagnosis: A species of Apteodinium with an ovoidal to sub spherical cyst. The surface of the cyst wall consists of fibers. Tabulation, cingulum and sulcus are absent, however maybe weakly indicated by arrangements of slightly longer fibers. Apical horn usually pointed and composed of fibers. Archeopyle Type P.
Description: The cysts of this Apteodinium species are ovoidal to sub spherical. The pedium, the innermost layer of the cyst wall, is covered by fibrous luxuriae which are evenly distributed on the holotype. However, on the paratypes also longer fibrous luxuriae occur indicating remnants of a gonyaulacalean tabulation pattern. The height of these luxuriae varies between 3 and 7µm, some are distally expanded. The pointed apical horn is also composed of fibers and about 7-10µm high. The specimens show a simple precingular archeopyle (3'').
Dimensions: Length of cyst 60 (66) 74µm, holotype 74µm, width of cyst 56 (59) 62µm, holotype 56µm.
3 specimens measured.
Comments: The new species has been found in only one sample in Batuasih, where it rarely occurs.
Comparisons: Apteodinium fibratum differs from the other species included into the genus Apteodinium by the fibrous luxuriae. Apteodinium spiridoides Benedek 1972, described from the German Oligocene, differs from the new species by its thicker wall (ca. 5µm) composed of spongy luxuriae and the absence of fibrous, often distally expanded, luxuriae indicating remnants of tabulation.