Areoligera circumsenonensis

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Areoligera circumsenonensis Fensome et al., 2009, p.15, pl.1, fig.m. Holotype: Fensome et al., 2009, pl.1, fig.m. Age: last occurrence, early Lutetian.


Original description: [Fensome et al., 2009, p. 15]:

Areoligera circumsenonensis sp. nov. (Plate 1, fig. m)

1966c Areoligera cf. senonensis of Williams & Downie:230-231, text-figs 64 A-C (not pl. 25, fig. 6, typo-graphically mislabelled pl. 26, fig. 6).
1969 Areoligera senonensis Lejeune-Carpentier; Gocht:56; pl. 8, figs 4a-b (?not figs 5- 9); text-figs 40a-b,?40c-d (not figs 40e-f).

HOLOTYPE. Gocht 1969: pl. 8, figs 4a-b; text-fig. 40b; fromthe Paleocene of Borehole (Probe) 1, Meckelfeld, Germany;lodged in the Geologisch-palaontologischen Institut of theUniversity of Tubingen, Germany, Typenkatalog-NummerPr.-1288, Praparat Nummer AT 8/30/2.

ETYMOLOGY. The prefix 'circum' (Latin for 'around') isadded to the specific epithet of the comparable species Are-oligera senonensis, in reference to the fact that the pre- andpostcingular process complexes on the new species encirclethe cyst.

DIAGNOSIS. A species of Areoligera in which process com-plexes occur on all major plates, including 6" and 6'" on theventral surface. In each complex, basal ridges or low crestsgive rise to slender, predominantly uniformly isolated pro-cesses with symmetrically to asymmetrically capitate or bifiddistal endings.

SIZE. Specimen illustrated herein: length of central body56 μm, width of central body 67 μm, length of processes upto 17 μm. Holotype: maximum diameter 108 μm (accordingto original plate caption; presumably, this dimension includesprocesses).

AGE ON SCOTIAN MARGIN. LAD: early Lutetian (middleEocene).

REMARKS. Areoligera circumsenonensis is similar to Are-oligera senonensis in having predominantly isolated, simpleprocesses that are connected only basally, but differs in hav-ing annular to arcuate complexes on all large pre- and post-cingular plates, including 6" and 6'" on the ventral surface.In contrast to the isolated processes of Areoligera circum-senonensis, those of Areoligera gippingensis are connectedwithin (and sometimes to a lesser extent between) complexesat various heights to produce a more or less complex network.
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