Spiniferites pannonicus

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Spiniferites pannonicus (Sütő-Szentai, 1986, p.35–36, pl.2, fig.1 (two illustrations),2) Soliman and Riding, 2017, p.342.
Holotype: Sütő-Szentai, 1986, pl.2, fig.1 (two illustrations). Originally Spiniferites bentorii subsp. pannonicus, subsequently (and now) Spiniferites pannonicus. This name was not validly published in Sütő-Szentai (1983, p.18, pl.2, fig.3; pl.3, fig.2) and Sütő-Szentai (1984, p.62) since these authors did not give a description. Age: Late Miocene.

Basionym. Spiniferites bentorii (Rossignol, 1964) Wall and Dale, 1970; Sütőné-Szentai, 1982b, pl. 1, 1–2, 4; Sütőné-Szentai, 1985, pl. 80, 3–5; Sütő-Szentia 1999, pl. 2, 1–2; Spiniferites bentorii subsp. pannonicus Sütőné-Szentai, 1986; Spiniferites bentorii subsp. pannonicus Sütőné-Szentai, 1986, p. 35–36; pl. 2, 1, 2; Spiniferites bentori subsp. coniunctus Sütőné-Szentai, 1990, pl. 5, 1; fig. 78a; Fuchs and Sütőné-Szentai, 1991, pl. 1, 3, 6; pl. 4, 3; pl. 5, 4; Sütőné-Szentai, 2002, pl. 2, 5; pl. 3, 1, 3, 4; Sütőné-Szentai, 2003, pl. 1, 2, 3; Magyar et al., 2004, 4a–c.
Original diagnosis. “Subspherical body with a well-developed apical horn. The cyst body at plates 2″ and 3″ is a little swollen. The processes are short, wide and weakly trifurcate. The processes show the same tabulation as Spiniferites bentorii. The tabulation is variably developed. The processes at the cingulum are longer. The cyst wall is 1.5 μm thick, finely granulate and golden-yellow in colour. The archaeopyle is represented by plate 3″ and is irregularly pentagonal in shape. The tabulation is 4′, 6″, 6c, 6‴, 1p, 1″″. The holotype is 77 μm, long and 60 μm wide (translation from Hungarian to English by Sütőné-Szentai in 2008)”.
Diagnosis. A spiniferate cyst with an ovoidal outline and a prominent apical boss which has a distal process. The cyst wall is relatively thick with a smooth to scabrate surface. Processes are gonal, trilaminate peteinoid and distally aculeate. Archaeopyle is precingular, type P, with a free operculum. Gonyaulacacean tabulation expressed by faint sutural crests and the archaeopyle.
Description. Spiniferate cysts with an ovoidal or pear-shaped cyst body. The epicyst and hypocyst are equal or subequal in size. The cyst wall is ~ 1 μm thick, and has a smooth to scabrate surface. A prominent apical boss, ~ 3–5 μm in height, is present and terminates in a simple, short, distally bifurcate process (Plate III, 13). The processes are gonal, solid, trilaminate peteinoid (Playford et al., 1995) and distally aculeate. Germinal processes are concentrated at the cingulum and sulcus. Intergonal processes are absent. A standard S-type sexiform gonyaulacacean tabulation pattern is expressed by faint sutural crests and the archaeopyle. The cingulum is narrow and offset, and the sulcus is shallow. A precingular archaeopyle is formed by the release of plate 3″; the operculum is free.
Dimensions. The central body length, including the apical boss, is 48 (59) 74 μm; the equatorial width is 34 (45) 58 μm; and the maximum processes length is 8 (13) 19 μm. Sixteen specimens were measured.
Comparison. Both Spiniferites pannonicus (Sütőné-Szentai, 1986) stat. nov. and Spiniferites bentori (Rossignol, 1964) Wall and Dale, 1970 have an apical boss. However, the former has a more pointed apex and bears only short, distally delicate, gonal processes, as opposed to the long gonal and intergonal furcate processes of Spiniferites bentori. Spiniferites pannonicus differs from Spiniferites oblongus (Sütőné-Szentai, 1986) stat. nov. in having a shorter apical boss, a more ovoidal cyst body and longer processes (Fig. 5).
Comment. Consistent significant morphological differences between Spiniferites pannonicus (Sütőné-Szentai, 1986) stat. nov. and other forms of Spiniferites with apical bosses amply justify its elevation to species level.
Distribution. Middle Miocene (Badenian to?Sarmatian regional stages) (the Spiniferites bentorii oblongus to Pontiadinium pecsvaradensis zones) of the Hod-1 borehole, Hungary (Szuromi-Korecz et al., 2004). Late Miocene (Pannonian) of the Zólád borehole, Hungary as Spiniferites bentorii (Sütőné-Szentai, 1982b).
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