Spiniferella crouchiae
Original description: [Sluijs and Brinkhuis, 2024, p. 457-458]:
Spiniferella crouchiae sp. nov.
Plates 7, S24
Etymology. Named for Erica Crouch in recognition of her achievements in marine palynology, at GNS Science, Lower Hutt, New Zealand.
Diagnosis. A species of Spiniferella characterized by its large size, with long gonal processes, which terminate in trifurcate ends, that may individually split again into secondary bifurcations or even trifurcations. Proximal markings between process bases are limited to faint parasutural lines; paratabulation standard sexiform gonyaulacacean, like all members of the spiniferitioids; archeopyle precingular, Type P, operculum free.
Holotype. Plate 7, A–B
Paratypes. Plate 7, C and D
Material. IODP 302 Hole M0004A, Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Type locality and horizon. IODP 302 Hole M0004A, Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean, lower Eocene, Core 302-0004A-27X-3-50/52
Age. Early Eocene
Shape: body subspherical.
Wall relationships: autophragm only or endophragm and periphragm appressed between processes.
Wall features: autophragm smooth to granulate to reticulate. Prominent parasutural ridges between process bases, like those in the type species Spiniferella cornuta (Stover and Hardenbol, 1994).
Processes: gonal only; tips trifurcate, with often secondary bi- and trifurcations.
Paratabulation: positions of gonal processes and faint sutural ornamentation indicate standard sexiform, L-type, gonyaulacacean tabulation.
Archeopyle: precingular, Type P (300 only); operculum free.
Paracingulum: indicated by parasutural ridges or septa and the position of gonal processes.
Parasulcus: indicated by parasutural ridges or septa.
Dimensions. Total diameter 125(135)150 µm (n = 10), central body 70(75)80 µm (n = 10).
Holotype. Total 130 µm, central body 80 µm.
Paratypes. 140/65 µm; 130/70 µm.
Stratigraphic range/occurrence. Early Eocene
Remarks. It differs from Spiniferella cornuta by its extraordinary large size and by typical secondary bifurcated or
trifurcated endings of the rather long trifurcated gonal spines.
Spiniferella crouchiae sp. nov.
Plates 7, S24
Etymology. Named for Erica Crouch in recognition of her achievements in marine palynology, at GNS Science, Lower Hutt, New Zealand.
Diagnosis. A species of Spiniferella characterized by its large size, with long gonal processes, which terminate in trifurcate ends, that may individually split again into secondary bifurcations or even trifurcations. Proximal markings between process bases are limited to faint parasutural lines; paratabulation standard sexiform gonyaulacacean, like all members of the spiniferitioids; archeopyle precingular, Type P, operculum free.
Holotype. Plate 7, A–B
Paratypes. Plate 7, C and D
Material. IODP 302 Hole M0004A, Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Type locality and horizon. IODP 302 Hole M0004A, Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean, lower Eocene, Core 302-0004A-27X-3-50/52
Age. Early Eocene
Shape: body subspherical.
Wall relationships: autophragm only or endophragm and periphragm appressed between processes.
Wall features: autophragm smooth to granulate to reticulate. Prominent parasutural ridges between process bases, like those in the type species Spiniferella cornuta (Stover and Hardenbol, 1994).
Processes: gonal only; tips trifurcate, with often secondary bi- and trifurcations.
Paratabulation: positions of gonal processes and faint sutural ornamentation indicate standard sexiform, L-type, gonyaulacacean tabulation.
Archeopyle: precingular, Type P (300 only); operculum free.
Paracingulum: indicated by parasutural ridges or septa and the position of gonal processes.
Parasulcus: indicated by parasutural ridges or septa.
Dimensions. Total diameter 125(135)150 µm (n = 10), central body 70(75)80 µm (n = 10).
Holotype. Total 130 µm, central body 80 µm.
Paratypes. 140/65 µm; 130/70 µm.
Stratigraphic range/occurrence. Early Eocene
Remarks. It differs from Spiniferella cornuta by its extraordinary large size and by typical secondary bifurcated or
trifurcated endings of the rather long trifurcated gonal spines.