Susadinium scrofoides

Susadinium scrofoides Dörhöfer and Davies, 1980

Originally (and now) Susadinium, subsequently Dodekovia.
Tax. sr. synonym of Parvocysta contracta Bjaerke, 1980, according to Below, 1987.
Tax. sr. synonym of Susadinium inflatum (Bjaerke, 1980) Lentin and Williams, 1985, according to Below, 1987 and Stover and Williams, 1987. Below, 1987 transferred this species to Dodekovia Dörhöfer and Davies, 1980; however, Lentin and Williams, 1989 retained it in Susadinium.
Below, 1987 emended the diagnosis of the autonym of this species as, Dodekovia scrofoides var. scrofoides.

Holotype: Dörhöfer and Davies, 1980, fig. 24I
Locus typicus: Savik Formation, Reindeer Peninsula, Ellef Ringnes Island, Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada
Stratum typicum: Toarcian-Bathonian

G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Susadinium scrofoides Dørhøfer and Davies, 1980. According to Below (1987a, p. 120), Susadinium scrofoides is proximate, acavate-apiculate, oblong ovoidal, apically also conical to tentoriate, with a broad cingular constriction and rounded areate protuberances, which reflect plates 1"’, 2"’, and 4"’, 5"’ fused basally or completely into large, broad dextro- or sinistrolateral evaginations; Wall composed of pedium and luxuria, surface smooth, scabrate or granulate. Protuberances distally unornamented, very coarsely shagreenate or with low baculi. Ornaments peniareate along margins of protuberances or also intraareate. Archeopyle anterior intercalary 2a with monoareate, secate operculum. Plate 1"” often reduced.

Original description: Dörhöfer and Davies, 1980, p. 28-29
Diagnosis: A species of Susadinium with a short apical horn and rounded to angular intratabular protuberances in the pre- and postcingular plate series. Autophragm thin, smooth to granulate. Cingulum and sulcus broad. Tabulation 4', 5a, 6'', ?6c, 5''', ?1''''. Archeopyle 3I(plates 2-4).

Remarks: Autoblast often dorsoventrally compressed. The precingular series consists of five short rounded protuberances, the postcingular of three short dorsal and two larger bulging ventral protuberances flanking the sulcus. The apical horn is often sharply pointed with an apical angle of 35-40 degrees. Sutural granules sometimes delimit the apical plates and ventral cingular plates. The tabulation formula was obtained from plate sutures and intratabular protuberances.
The broad sulcal area might include additional plates of the pre- and postcingular series, which are not provided with intratabular protuberances. Cantulodinium protuberatum Wall, 1965 superficially resembles S. scrofoides, but due to its inadequate description and illustration closer comparisons are not possible. Length 29(38)42 µm; width 19(22)26 µm.
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