Wanaea thysanota

Data plotted here is from DINOSTRAT, available via Zenodo: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7791273. Please cite Bijl, 2022 when using this data.

Plots are based on the following information

Location Taxon Source Calibration Age (Ma) Paleolatitude
Arctic Basin Wanaea thysanota Bujak et al., 2022 0 in amm_b_Peltoceras athleta 162.91 73.37884342857143
Arctic Basin Wanaea thysanota Bujak et al., 2022 0.5 in amm_b_Quenstedtoceras mariae 160.595 73.60723471428571
Kandern Wanaea thysanota Dimter and Smelror, 1990 0 in amm_t_Quenstedtoceras lamberti 162.45 37.321646300000005
Denmark3 Wanaea thysanota Poulsen and Riding, 2003 sensu Riding et al., 2010 0.55 in stage_Callovian 163.222 45.05600751
Denmark3 Wanaea thysanota Poulsen and Riding, 2003 sensu Riding et al., 2010 0.33 in stage_Oxfordian 159.3025 45.12547504821429
Europe compilation Wanaea thysanota Riding and Helby, 2001b 1 in amm_b_Cardioceras cordatum 159.1 45.12906433333334
Europe compilation Wanaea thysanota Riding and Helby, 2001b 0.5 in amm_t_Erymnoceras coronatum 162.97 45.06047503333333
Isle of Skye Wanaea thysanota Riding and Thomas, 1997 0.15 in amm_b_Peltoceras athleta 162.841 43.29105291222222
Isle of Skye Wanaea thysanota Riding and Thomas, 1997 0 in amm_b_Perisphinctes plicatilis 159.1 43.72924455555555
Milne Land Wanaea thysanota Smelror, 1988a 0.25 in amm_b_Cardioceras cordatum 159.51999999999998 50.99182355
Milne Land Wanaea thysanota Smelror, 1988a 0.5 in amm_b_Cardioceras cordatum 159.38 51.003116825
Barentz Sea Wanaea thysanota Smelror, 1994 0.67 in stage_Callovian 162.7708 65.29146068942858
Barentz Sea Wanaea thysanota Smelror, 1994 0.5 in stage_Oxfordian 158.155 65.78462924642858
Dorset-Yorkshire Wanaea thysanota Woollam and Riding, 1983 1 in amm_b_Cardioceras cordatum 159.1 38.77786257142857
Dorset-Yorkshire Wanaea thysanota Woollam and Riding, 1983 0 in amm_b_Erymnoceras coronatum 163.3 38.52213057142857
North Sea Basin Wanaea thysanota Copestake and Partington, 2023 1 in amm_b_Cardioceras cordatum 159.1 43.345585142857146
North Sea Basin Wanaea thysanota Copestake and Partington, 2023 0 in amm_b_Erymnoceras coronatum 163.3 43.181461142857145



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