Cribroperidinium leedervillense
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Cribroperidinium leedervillense Backhouse, 1988, p.80, pl.23, figs.7–9; pl.24, fig.1; pl.47, fig.2. Holotype: Backhouse, 1988, pl.23, fig.8 (not 7); Fensome et al., 1996, fig.2 — p.2189. Age: late Valanginian–early Barremian.
Original description: Backhouse, 1988, p.80
Cyst proximate, subspherical to ovoidal, with a long apical horn. Autophragm finely granular, micropunctate. 1 Ám thick. Paratabulation expressed by low, fibrous, parasutural septa up to 4 Ám high. and associated small spines. Paratabulation formula: ?4', 6'', Xc, 6''', ?1p, 1''''. Intratabular areas bear occasional small spincs, and on precingular and postcingular paraplates low, poorly defined accessory ridges. Paracingulum narrow and prominent, 2 to 4 µm wide. offset approximately 15 µm, bordered by high fibrous septa up to 9 µm high. Parasulcus expressed by low septa. Apical horn rises from a conical base formed by the autophragm, and continues as a fibrous, punctate extension of the parasutural septa, and ends in a small preapical tip. Total length of horn 36 to 60 µm. Archeopyle precingular, type P, operculum free.
Dimensions: Length of holotype 157 µm, width m. Range of length including apical horn (12 specimens) 133(147)172 µm, width 93(104)115 µm.
Backhouse, 1988, p.80: The large size, narrow paracingulum, absence of prominent intratabular features, and long fibrous apieal horn distinguish C. Ieedervillense from other Early Cretaeeous species of Cribroperidinium.
Cribroperidinium leedervillense Backhouse, 1988, p.80, pl.23, figs.7–9; pl.24, fig.1; pl.47, fig.2. Holotype: Backhouse, 1988, pl.23, fig.8 (not 7); Fensome et al., 1996, fig.2 — p.2189. Age: late Valanginian–early Barremian.
Original description: Backhouse, 1988, p.80
Cyst proximate, subspherical to ovoidal, with a long apical horn. Autophragm finely granular, micropunctate. 1 Ám thick. Paratabulation expressed by low, fibrous, parasutural septa up to 4 Ám high. and associated small spines. Paratabulation formula: ?4', 6'', Xc, 6''', ?1p, 1''''. Intratabular areas bear occasional small spincs, and on precingular and postcingular paraplates low, poorly defined accessory ridges. Paracingulum narrow and prominent, 2 to 4 µm wide. offset approximately 15 µm, bordered by high fibrous septa up to 9 µm high. Parasulcus expressed by low septa. Apical horn rises from a conical base formed by the autophragm, and continues as a fibrous, punctate extension of the parasutural septa, and ends in a small preapical tip. Total length of horn 36 to 60 µm. Archeopyle precingular, type P, operculum free.
Dimensions: Length of holotype 157 µm, width m. Range of length including apical horn (12 specimens) 133(147)172 µm, width 93(104)115 µm.
Backhouse, 1988, p.80: The large size, narrow paracingulum, absence of prominent intratabular features, and long fibrous apieal horn distinguish C. Ieedervillense from other Early Cretaeeous species of Cribroperidinium.