Cribroperidinium leedervillense

Cribroperidinium leedervillense Backhouse, 1988

Holotype: Backhouse, 1988, pl.23, fig.7
Locus typicus: Perth Basin, Western Australia
Stratum typicum: Late Valanginian-Early Barremian

Original description: Backhouse, 1988, p.80
Cyst proximate, subspherical to ovoidal, with a long apical horn. Autophragm finely granular, micropunctate. 1 Ám thick. Paratabulation expressed by low, fibrous, parasutural septa up to 4 Ám high. and associated small spines. Paratabulation formula: ?4", 6""", Xc, 6""", ?1p, 1"""". Intratabular areas bear occasional small spincs, and on precingular and postcingular paraplates low, poorly defined accessory ridges. Paracingulum narrow and prominent, 2 to 4 Ám wide. offset approximately 15 Ám, bordered by high fibrous septa up to 9 Ám high. Parasulcus expressed by low septa. Apical horn rises from a conical base formed by the autophragm, and continues as a fibrous, punctate extension of thc parasutural septa, and ends in a small preapical tip. Total length of horn 36 to 60 Ám. Archeopyle precingular, type P, operculum free.
Dimensions: Length of holotype 157 Ám, width m. Range of length including apical horn (12 specimens) 133(147)172 Ám, width 93(104)115 Ám.

Backhouse, 1988, p.80: The large size, narrow paracingulum, absence of prominent intratabular features, and long fibrous apieal horn distinguish C. Ieedervillense from other Early Cretaeeous species of Cribroperidinium.
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