Wallodinium krutzschii

Wallodinium krutschii (Alberti, 1961) Habib, 1972 emend. Poulsen 1996

Originally Diplotesta, subsequently (and now) Wallodinium.

Holotype: Alberti, 1961, pl.7, fig.19
Locus typicus: Haverlahwiese, Salzgitter, Germany
Stratum typicum: Hauterivian-Barremian
Translation Alberti, 1961: LPP

Original diagnosis: Alberti, 1961, p.22: Diplotesta krutschii
Body flattened, elongate biconical, lateral margins bended. One end of the body +/- pointed, the other slightly blunted. Without transverse furrow or tabulation. Always with a nearly ellipsoidal inner body, which is in contact to the outer membrane or in +/- large distance to it. Body smooth, membrane transparent.
Most species miss the apical part, which might be lost during the encystment.

Alberti, 1961, p.22: Diplotesta krutschii
D. krutschii differs from D. glaessneri (Cookson and Eisenack) in not beiing striate and in having an inner body.

Poulsen 1996, p. 89-90, Pl. 26, Figs. 6-8
Emended diagnosis. Elongated egg-shaped acritarch with double wall, length of interior vesicle about half of the length of the exterior vesicle. Both vesicles are smooth. Cyclopyle placed in one of the poles, operculum attached.
Remarks. The diagnosis is emended to state that the operculum is attached and not free as previously stated. However, most often this species is found with the operculum detached. Wallodinium glassneri is of the same size and shape, and also has an attached operculum, but theholotype is not smooth as stated by Cookson and Eisenack (1960), but has a fine longitudinal striation on the exterior vesicle (Monteil, oral commun., 1989).
Recorded occurrences.
Denmark: Scriniodinium crystallinum Zone, Subzone d - Gochteodinia villosa Zone, Rotosphaeropsis thula Subzone.
Poland: Divisum or Mutabilis to Scythicus Zones.
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