Impagidinium pallidum

Impagidinium? pallidum Bujak, 1984

Originally Impagidinium, subsequently (and now) Impagidinium?.
Mudie, 1986, questionably included this species in Impagidinium.
Holotype: Bujak, 1984, pl. 2, fig. 11-12; Jan du Chene et al., 1986a, pl.58, figs.7-9
Paratypes: Bujak, 1984, pl. 2, fig. 9-10
Locus typicus: Aleutian Abyssal Plain, N North Pacific
Stratum typicum: Late Eocene

Original description: Bujak, 1984, p. 187: Impagidinium pallidum (Mudie, 1987, p. 803, questionably included this species in Impagidinium)
Diagnosis: Central body spherical to polygonal with thin, pale wall and smooth to chagrinate surface. Sutural crests thin, pale, smooth, with smooth, slightly undulating distal margins. Adcingular and sulcal borders delineated by sutural crests. Cingulum and sulcus shallow. Tabulation difficult to determine due to folding of cyst. Archeopyle precingular, formed by loss of singly plate (?3"").
Dimensions: Central body diameter 53 x 55 µm to 63 x 63 µm; maximum crest height 5 to 10 µm; 8 specimens measured.

Description (annotated): This species is thin-walled, pale and often folded. The central body is sometimes difficult to distinguish from the sutural crests, and a clear tabulation could not be discerned. The archeopyle is also difficult to observe because of the thin central body wall, but when seen, it appears to be formed by the loss of a single precingular plate.

Bujak, 1984, p. 187
Impagidinium pallidum is characterized by its thin, pale central body wall and sutural crests. In this respect it is similar to Impagidinium velorum, but I. pallidum has a much larger central body and relatively low crests.
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