Achomosphaera crassipellis

Data plotted here is from DINOSTRAT, available via Zenodo: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7791273. Please cite Bijl, 2022 when using this data.




Plots are based on the following information

1171 Achomosphaera crassipellis Bijl et al., 2013 0 in mag_C17n LO 38.081 -61.91092770117647
1171 Achomosphaera crassipellis Bijl et al., 2013 1 in mag_C24n.2r FO 53.12 -63.76454637647059
553 Achomosphaera crassipellis Brown and Downie, 1984 0 in nan_n_NP10 LO 56.001 46.11335433
555 Achomosphaera crassipellis Brown and Downie, 1984 0.1 in nan_n_NP9 FO 57.10089 46.4203658616
548 Achomosphaera crassipellis Brown and Downie, 1985 0.33 in nan_n_NN11 LO 7.379199999999999 46.1122339962353
548 Achomosphaera crassipellis Brown and Downie, 1985 0 in nan_n_NN2 FO 22.68 42.317536399999995
Vallentigny Achomosphaera crassipellis Davey and Verdier, 1971 0.55 in amm_b_Pervenquieria pricei FO 105.0605 40.396057856
Viborg-1 Achomosphaera crassipellis Heilmann-Clausen, 1985 0.5 in nan_n_NP10 LO 55.04653 47.4705714551
Salt Range Achomosphaera crassipellis Köthe et al., 1988 1 in nan_n_NP9 LO 56.001 3.576868690000003
Salt Range Achomosphaera crassipellis Köthe et al., 1988 0 in nan_n_NP9 FO 57.2231 1.8398857389999965
Rodmell Achomosphaera crassipellis Tocher and Jarvis, 1996 1 in amm_b_Pervenquieria fallax LO 101.72 43.075937839999995
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