Achomosphaera multifurcata

Achomosphaera multifurcata, Jain and Tandon, 1981, p.7, pl.1, fig.10

Type locality: Baranda, S-W Kachchh, India.
Holotype: Jain and Tandon, 1981, pl. 1-10, BSIP Slide no 6443
Age: Middle Eocene

Original description: [Jain and Tandon, 1981]:

Cyst body subspherical, moderately thick, smooth; processes variable in width, paracingular processes usually slendrical, trifurcate, tips bifid; usually processes proximally broad, branched 2 to 3 times, last branching followed with tread like extensions.
Paratabulation that of genus with precingular archaeopyle.

Cyst body size: 40-50 μm (holotype 40 μm).
Overall Size: 80-100 μm (holotype 80 μm).
Process length up to: 30 μm (holotype 26 μm).

Multifurcate nature of processes with thread like last branching separates the present species from the other species of the genus.
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