Achomosphaera regiensis

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Achomosphaera regiensis, Corradini, 1973, p.171, pl.27, fig.2; text-fig.8.
Holotype: Corradini, 1973, pl.27, fig.2.
Age: Senonian.

Paratype: Corradini, 1973
Locus typicus: Viano, Reggio Emilia, Italy


Original description: [Corradini, 1973, p. 171]:

Oval and smooth central body bearing solid processes with round cross section.
Processes branched at two thirds of their length; each branch being bifurcated distally. Distribution of processes like that of Spiniferites. Archeopyle precingular, only rarely observed.

The processes have a fairly broad base followed by a regular, cylindrical stem. At two thirds of their length the processes are trifurcated or, more rarely, bifurcated. The branches are usually parallel to the surface of the central body and become bifurcated distally. Probably tri- and bifurcated processes are related to a gonal and sutural position like that of Spiniferites. Adjacent processes of cingular, apical and antapical zones may be connected proximally by crests.
There are sometimes, apparent on the surface of the central body, faint lines connecting adjacent processes and comparable to the sutural crests of Spiniferites.
The archeopyle is precingular and usually difficult to observe.

Holotype: diameter of the central body 54x66 µm, length of the processes 20-30 µm.
Range: diameter of the central body 39-(48)-60x48-(55)-62 µm; length of the processes 18-(28)-34 µm.

Achomosphaera regiensis seems to be at first view related to Baltisphaeridium erectum (Manum & Cookson) differing in more homogeneous processes.
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