Wanaea clathrata

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Wanaea clathrata Cookson and Eisenack, 1958
Holotype: Cookson and Eisenack, 1958, pl.9, fig.6
Paratypes: Cookson and Eisenack, 1958
Locus typicus: Carnavron Basin, W Australia
Stratum typicum: Late Jurassic


Original description: Cookson and Eisenack, 1958, p.58
Shell narrowing to a rounded apex. Edging in the form if a relatively wide, rather irregularly constructed, smell-meshed network with an entire edge, which narrows gradually towards the gap where it is entirely wanting.
Dimensions: Holotype - depth 95 µm, maximum width 161 µm. Paratypes - 147 µm wide, edging 24-33 µm.

Fensome, 1981, p. 54
Synopsis of diagnosis: A species of Wanaea with a broadly conical hypotract with or without an antapical horn, and characterized by a wide flange about one quarter to one sixth of the overall cingular diameter of the cyst. this flange comprises a complex reticulate meshwork and is always entire distally.

Supplemental description: Jansonius, 1986, p.220
True outside dimensions 108 x 90 µm. Specimen flattened, embedded at an angle because of extraneous object under dorsal parts. Preserved in antapical? aspect, ventral side at nine o'clock. Color pale brown, partly stained with safranin. Wall ca 0.6-0.8 µm thick, surface rough to weakly granulose. Cingulum marked by a single row of flat projections (ca 6 µm high, 0.5-1.5 µm wide) that extend from a low basal ridge (2 µm high), slightly broadening at their bases, and at their distal tips broadening again into grapnel-hook expansions, the flukes laterally fused to form a continuous ribbon (1-2 µm wide); this ribbon in turn carries a finer continuous peripheral bead. The basal ridge seems to have root-like thickenings extending laterally for some distance onto the surface of the wall. The projections occasionally branch. especially distally, and some that are placed very closely may be joined by a number of short links or trabeculae; thus, near the distal tips, the whole structure may resemble patches of a reticulum. Paratabulation poorly marked by incomplete and discontinuous ridges, occasionally crested by low muri; the sulcal area is broad, and flanked--on the left--by a small 2''' and 1p, and--to the right--by a small 6'''; 4'''' appears to be very large; however, the presumed tabulation of the hypocyst and the epicyst are poorly expressed and difficult to observe.

Cookson and Eisenack 1958, p. 58: The three species of Wanaea (viz. W. spectabilis, W. digitata and W. clathrata) just considered appear to form an evolutionary sequence in which W. digitata is the simplest and W. clathrata the most highly developed form.
Fensome, 1981, p. 54: (annotated) Like W. clathrata, W. fimbriata also has a wide and relatively complex flange, however, in the latter case the flange has a ragged appearance distally, the outer margin of the flange not being entire.

G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Wanaea clathrata Cookson and Eisenack, 1958. Wanaea clathrata has a very broad paracingular fringe, which is perforated with small holes. Cookson and Eisenack (1958, p.58) described the paracingular fringe as a relatively wide, rather irregularly constructed, small-meshed network with an entire edge, which narrows gradually towards the gap where it is entirely wanting. Size: holotype length 95 µm, width 161 µm, paratype width 147 µm, cingular fringe 24-33 µm.
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