Wetzeliella gochtii

Data plotted here is from DINOSTRAT, available via Zenodo: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7791273. Please cite Bijl, 2022 when using this data.

Plots are based on the following information

Location Taxon Source Calibration Age (Ma) Paleolatitude
Tusa Wetzeliella gochtii Baruffini et al., 2002 0.67 in nan_c_CP16b 33.1015 30.75313333333333
1168 Wetzeliella gochtii Brinkhuis et al., 2003a 0.5 in mag_C10r 28.7305 -53.062453393333335
1168 Wetzeliella gochtii Brinkhuis et al., 2003a 0.5 in mag_C9r 27.649 -52.50151457142857
North Sea Compilation Wetzeliella gochtii Powell, 1992 0.2 in nan_n_NP24 27.068640000000002 45.581590165942856
North Sea Compilation Wetzeliella gochtii Powell, 1992 0.33 in plfor_A_P18 33.418415 45.39934026470556
643 Wetzeliella gochtii Eldrett et al., 2004 0 in mag_C15n 35.336 60.35115296
913 Wetzeliella gochtii Eldrett et al., 2004 0 in mag_C13n 33.726 65.6908434
985 Wetzeliella gochtii Eldrett et al., 2019 0.05 in mag_C8n.2n 25.952849999999998 59.696656786
908 Wetzeliella gochtii Eldrett et al., 2019 0.2 in mag_C8n.2n 25.850399999999997 69.601360056
Scotian Margin Wetzeliella gochtii Fensome et al., 2008 0.75 between 0 nan_n_NP22 1 nan_n_NP25 25.5745 39.706455055
synthesis N Germany Wetzeliella gochtii Köthe, 2012 0.6 in nan_n_NP24 26.939320000000002 46.03475926548572
Umbria-Marche Wetzeliella gochtii Pross et al., 2010 0 in mag_C12r 33.214 35.713700113239454
Umbria-Marche Wetzeliella gochtii Pross et al., 2010 0.5 in mag_C8r 26.2035 37.03933562775748
Boom Doel Wetzeliella gochtii Stover and Hardenbol, 1994 0.3 in nan_n_NP21 33.984 43.73784238857143
Massignano Wetzeliella gochtii Van Mourik and Brinkhuis, 2005 0 in mag_C12r 33.214 36.12319902520823
1053 Wetzeliella gochtii Van Mourik et al., 2001 0 in mag_C16n.1n 35.718 27.114204866666668
1053 Wetzeliella gochtii Van Mourik et al., 2001 0.5 in plfor_A_P15 36.989000000000004 26.940374433333336
Rhine graben Wetzeliella gochtii Van Simaeys et al., 2005 0.15 in nan_n_NP25 26.2574 44.12904774333333



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