Wetzeliella symmetrica

Data plotted here is from DINOSTRAT, available via Zenodo: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7791273. Please cite Bijl, 2022 when using this data.




Plots are based on the following information

North Sea Compilation Wetzeliella symmetrica Powell, 1992 0.9 in nan_n_NP24 LO 26.842330000000004 45.613453320742856
North Sea Compilation Wetzeliella symmetrica Powell, 1992 0.33 in plfor_A_P18 FO 33.418415 45.39934026470556
Scotian Margin Wetzeliella symmetrica Fensome et al., 2008 1 in nan_n_NP25 LO 23.125999999999998 39.59846571142857
Scotian Margin Wetzeliella symmetrica Williams et al., 1993 0.2 in stage_Bartonian FO 40.366 38.23235476
647 Wetzeliella symmetrica Head and Norris, 1989 0 in nan_n_NP19-20 FO 36.84 45.85894808888889
647 Wetzeliella symmetrica Head and Norris, 1989 1 in nan_n_NP23 LO 27.133300000000002 46.9980308878
Umbria-Marche Wetzeliella symmetrica Pross et al., 2010 1 in mag_C9r LO 27.439 36.869137214799366
Jutland Wetzeliella symmetrica Śliwińska et al., 2012 0.25 in mag_C8n.2n LO 25.816249999999997 49.561360595833335
Boom Doel Wetzeliella symmetrica Stover and Hardenbol, 1994 0.25 in nan_n_NP21 FO 34.06 43.737539257142856
1053 Wetzeliella symmetrica Van Mourik et al., 2001 0.2 in nan_c_CP15 FO 37.104 26.93486678
1053 Wetzeliella symmetrica Van Mourik et al., 2001 0.25 in nan_c_CP15 LO 36.9375 26.94741791666667
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