Amphorosphaeridium robustum

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Amphorosphaeridium? robustum, (Salujha and Kindra, 1981, p.52, pl.3, figs.55–56) Jain and Garg, 1982, p.69.
Holotype: Salujha and Kindra, 1981, pl.3, fig.55.
Originally Hystrichokolpoma, subsequently (and now) Amphorosphaeridium?.
Questionable assignment: Jain and Garg (1982, p.69). Jain and Garg (1982, p.69) indicated that one of the two specimens illustrated by Salujha and Kindra (1981, pl.3, fig.56) is assignable to a species of Achomosphaera.
Age: Early Paleocene.

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