Apteodinium emslandense

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Apteodinium emslandense (Gerlach, 1961, p.172–173, pl.26, figs.13–14) Stover and Evitt, 1978, p.141. Emendation: Benedek and Sarjeant, 1981, p.316–318, as Apteodinium emslandense. Holotype: Gerlach, 1961, pl.26, fig.13; Benedek and Sarjeant, 1981, fig.1, no.1; Jan du Chêne et al., 1986a, pl.10, figs.17–19. Originally Emslandia, subsequently (and
now) Apteodinium. Age: Middle Oligocene–Middle Miocene.


Original description as Emslandia emslandensis: [Gerlach, 1961, p. 172]: (Translation: LPP)

A species of the genus Emslandia with a thickened marginal membrane. Girdle furrow spiral, with a large offset of 2-3 girdle widths. Longitudinal furrow more or less clear ventrally on the hypotheca. Membrane finely punctate or with scarred surface.

Emended diagnosis as Emslandia emslandensis:

Sarjeant and Benedek, 1981, p. 318:

Cyst proximate, ovoidal, with a short, blunt apical horn. Phragma thick, two-layered, the periphragm approximately four times as thick as the endophragm and further thickened at the apex, to form the apical horn. Paracingulum clearly defined by raised periphragmal ridges, its two ends offset by two to three times its width. Parasulcus defined posteriorly to the paracingulum by raised ridges, well or poorly marked, which diverge somewhat towards the antapex. Surface of periphragm generally finely punctate to irregularly scabrate, however, this ornament is reduced or absent on paracingulum and parasulcus.
Archaeopyle single-plate precingular, Type P.
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